This was posted 12 years 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Tickets to National Geographic's Samsara Film


Have been using this site for a while, but saw this and thought I'd register to post. Since there's a 24 hour delay before allowing posts, a couple of sessions have now filled up, but hopefully it will be of use to those of you in areas which still have available tickets.

Details from the site below:

From the creators of Baraka, be taken on a journey around the world through stunning visuals and music. Prepare to be moved, amazed and mystified.

6.30pm Monday 10 December (WA)
6.30pm Tuesday 11 December (NSW- Sorry, session is full, VIC- Sorry, session is full, QLD, SA)
Cinema locations:
Sydney – Dendy Newtown- SESSION IS FULL
Melbourne – Palace Como- SESSION IS FULL
Brisbane – Palace Barracks
Perth – Luna
Adelaide- Palace Nova Eastend

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closed Comments

  • got a double pass in perth, thanks.

  • scored a double pass in Adelaide. Thanks

  • +3

    +1 for your effort and for not begging for mercy.

    Why the mismatched avatar & username?

    • thanks!
      ahh… good point. That dates back to the time I actually used 'gravatar'. It has been linked to the email address for years. Have updated that now! haha

      • As an aside… could you have a look at my question below?

  • I tried to post this a while ago but it said
    "Domain is currently banned. Reason: Requested by Hopscotch."

    • Where do you get notifications of these offers?

      I was on the hopscotch mailing list. However, after about 10 emails containing absolutely no free film offers, I got off the list.

      I'd be happy to get their email if this sort of thing came by.

      • Sorry about the late reply. Actually a friend of mine told me about it, I wasn't on any particular mailing list. I realise this doesn't help you much. If I find any further info, I'll let you know :-)

  • QLD Full…Link

  • Shame Sydney is full, but I appreciate the effort :-)

  • Yeah, as Elijah says above, QLD sessions are no more. Here's what the link says "Promotion Closed
    We're sorry this film offer is now full and no more responses can be accepted

    Ah well, looks like I'll have to pay to see it and then buy the BluRay too. I was a HUGE fan of Baraka back in the day but playing off DVD now it just looks terrible however thanks to massive advances in digital technology I'd say Samsara will be mindblowing!

  • +1 for the effort. I can console myself that I won't be anywhere near one of the locations that are sold out. I'm looking forward to seeing this film in general release.

  • -2

    Please add Perth & Adelaide to the title.

    Sydney and Melbourne were full BEFORE you posted this freebie.

    • Woah relax man…

      His post already mentioned that those sessions were full. I think you just read past em/didnt read it at all.

      • -5

        I read them just fine. Why post something that's already gone? Thus why I suggsted to add cities to title. Cos like, you know, the vast majority of Australians live in Melbourne & Sydney.

  • Nothing in QLD :(

  • Thanks OP, done 1 for perth
    " Congratulations, you have been allocated a double pass to the film. You will receive an email shortly confirming the details."

    • so we'll see you at the movie, fellow perthian :)

      • Sure… :)
        My email says 11 Dec 6:30 pm instead of 10 Dec as per the website.

        • yeah…

          just checked mine, same thing. I have a xmas party to attend on the tue… what to do?

        • Monday worked better for me as well..

  • I live 5 mins away from Como :((

    • and you didnt get tix? lemme know, maybe i can give them to you. cheers man.

  • Damn, missed out the Brissy one :( Guess I'll have to wait for the Bluray release

  • Perth sold out.

  • Thanks mate! Double pass :-)

  • Anyone received the tickets yet?

    • No, I haven't got mine.

      • Mmm. Are they normally slow like this?
        I'm waiting for the Brissy one, by the way.

        • I'm also waiting on the Bris one. I've never used them before so I have no idea what the process is like.

        • I just received an email from Hopscotch as follow,

          "You should have already received your pass in the mail, if not please print this email as confirmation. There will also be a door list on the night."

          I guess I just have to print out the email and take it.

          Check your email too:)

        • Yep, got the same one. Strange how they still seem to think that they posted tickets to everyone.

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