Have been using this site for a while, but saw this and thought I'd register to post. Since there's a 24 hour delay before allowing posts, a couple of sessions have now filled up, but hopefully it will be of use to those of you in areas which still have available tickets.
Details from the site below:
From the creators of Baraka, be taken on a journey around the world through stunning visuals and music. Prepare to be moved, amazed and mystified.
6.30pm Monday 10 December (WA)
6.30pm Tuesday 11 December (NSW- Sorry, session is full, VIC- Sorry, session is full, QLD, SA)
Cinema locations:
Sydney – Dendy Newtown- SESSION IS FULL
Melbourne – Palace Como- SESSION IS FULL
Brisbane – Palace Barracks
Perth – Luna
Adelaide- Palace Nova Eastend
got a double pass in perth, thanks.