I am not a godaddy fan however a $1.99 .com is still good. Can always xfer out
New registrations only
Existing customer can get 32% off with the code SMSAVE32
I am not a godaddy fan however a $1.99 .com is still good. Can always xfer out
New registrations only
Existing customer can get 32% off with the code SMSAVE32
Thanks! Could rego new domain with godaddy, xfer to namecheap. $3 total for 2 years?
It will take more than 2 years to transfer your domain away from godaddy.
Transfers only.
Just tried to get a domain (buy domains - 0.98 code DOMAINTIME) but they've been Click Frenzied - can never get the domain into the shopping cart. Gave up.
1&1 with free privacy 99c no coupon required,
only for .info
who the hell wants a .info?
everything else is $7.99
They're doing 0.99 on .COM only for BF.
downvoted simply because i have to avoid anything godaddy related being seen
Every time I see this 99c or $1.99 it always applies to some obscure thing. Any other normal .com I put in comes in at $9.99
Did you apply the coupon code?
It will show up at the normal price until you apply the coupon code. I bought a .com last night for 1.99 (with a different code) and it worked.
Hah, Gobaddy. ;)
never ever again.
I am keeping an eye on them too :). I have not read or seen any announcement for them for 98c though. Source?