Great price for this highly rated car seat. The titanium grey colour is still priced at $299.
This is similar to the Accord AP sold at Baby Bunting.
Great price for this highly rated car seat. The titanium grey colour is still priced at $299.
This is similar to the Accord AP sold at Baby Bunting.
Pretty much the top rated seat <> the top rated seat.
The link shows Britax's model edges out Mother's Choice (4.3 v 3.9).
Britax is this model (the series code matches CREP) at Kmart for $169
I stand corrected. It's been three years since we bought our MC Adores (aka Accord). Looks like there's a new sheriff in town!
Don't always go by that one number. The scores in subcategories are important. Personally I also only consider the safety performance, because the ease of use rating is worthless to me
Seats rated for older kids are tested with heavier crash test Dummies. So are often safer than seats designed for younger kids only (regardless of whether the two seats have the same star rating).
Boosters also have different testing. Harness (aka G type) is considered to outperform boosters for obvious reasons because the restraint should be higher, so a 5 star booster is not expected to be as safe as a 5 star harnessed seat. Do not put a kid in a booster until you have to is the rule of thumb (and in fact there are only a couple of boosters that allow taller kids than g type anyway)
Lastly, I think by law boosters will eventually require the anti-submarining strap, which iirc only Britax have at the moment
Testing methods were updated in recent years and I'm not 100% across the changes
Yeah good point re subcategories/different tests which are performed.
Both the Britax and mothers choice scored the same number of stars at the protection test level, but overall Britax placed higher. Pretty sure there is detail lost when raw test results are summarised into a rating out of 5 stars (i.e. not just a rounding issue).
Regardless I think any of those 2 chairs are fine based on their score, and wouldn't hesitate to strap our kid into it 👍
This is the sort of critical and evaluative discussion we love to see. Keep it up.
The baby car seat industry is a mess where you all manufacturers do 1 shell for a whole range of seats and would vary the fabrics then name it differently depending on which store sells them.
But the practice is actually a good way to test the CREP system because for all the fabric varients should all test to the same score.
The main reason why people say CREP is crap is because for odd reason you see the score vary between each fabric variant when it technically shouldnt as that is usually cosmetic.
All seats pass AU standards so safety wise they are all the same.
There are other practices which are much more important than just the seat like:
1. Extended Rear Facing
2. Rear facing as long as possible (my kid is bored looking backwards and want to look forwards isnt a good reason)
3. Harnessed seats even for older children (Type G seats can harness up to 8-10yo)
4. Installing it correctly (seen way too many incorrect installs)
"people say CREP is crap is because for odd reason you see the score vary between each fabric variant when it technically shouldnt as that is usually cosmetic."
With respect, this is the claim I was referring to. When I press people for actual examples, they've either not done or cited a single example about the fabric on/off from about seven years ago. And the rest of the criticism are just other folks repeating and passing it on in Facebook groups.
That said, I am absolutely open to being proven wrong with any recent examples (CREP changed its methodology in 2018, and 2021.
I don't even have a facebook account, but this was my immediate query when I looked up rankings of the car seats and saw seats with the same base frame with different rankings. At the very least, the common rankings are misleading (as one poster above mentioned, they aren't only about safety).
When I press people for actual examples
I'm not going to give an example because it's been too long since i bought one, I imagine most people you ask aren't going to have it fresh off a recent evaluation, even if they did one.
@ssfps: There's no disagreement here. We both agree that the same base frame (which of course isn't the only safety factor) issue is from a long time ago. Whether people choose to believe any inconsistent methodology from years ago has continued to the present day despite a pretty much total lack of any specific examples cited, and two changes to CREP testing methodology since 2018 is up to them.
I have this and it works great, no need to buy the $600 ones
Kid loves this seat. V comfy. Sleeps like a baby in it.
Is the child not a baby?
Ha yes I said that on purpose
Perfect timing, was looking this up last night and was about to pull the trigger. Glad I slept on it and it went on sale!
Got one. Thanks OP.
I have one. Great seat, good for the value. Good one op
I already have one of these and they are great.
Just grabbed another for the second car
Also sold directly from mothers choice:…
(Google shows free delivery but mothers choice checkout doesn't appear to offer it)
Link you posted is for non isofix, comparable one is still $299.
Note that this one is non-isofix.
I have this (in isofix) and also the much loved Britax Graphene.
No complaints on the seat, baby doesn't seem to have a preference.
I will say the Britax feel substantially more premium and better quality, though obviously that doesn't necessarily reflect on safety performance and not surprising given its quite a lot cheaper.
All in all though, good seat!
I do feel like the baby looks more snug in the britax with the extra padding addition
And the britax seems smaller
But I like how the mothers choice seat belt strap doesn't need to be loosened every time
Can you expand on your comment about the strap not needing to be loosened every time? I just received mine and just like the Graphene it seems like it would need to be.
Well the top harness is higher on the mothers choice so you can put the baby in and out without losing the strap
Saves you ten seconds.
Is it sold out? Price is $260+
Damn missed it! Any other suggestions ?
My baby bunting (Eastland) was doing buy 1 get one free on these yesterday if memory serves correctly. I assume the deal is still running. Can’t remember the price but might be worth looking at if you need two or can split it.
Might not be the same one cuz it doesn't seem like Accord AP (same as Adore AP) is part of B1G1F on their website.
Can anyone recommend where and how much to get it professionally fitted? In inner sydney.
FYI, the reason this seat is so popular is because it's pretty much the top rated seat for the Child Restraint Evaluation Program (CREP) run by the NRMA and NSW government.
There is a section of folks out there (including in mum's Facebook groups) who think CREP ratings are not reliable. A "CREP is crap" one liner started to make its way around forums and social media.
When I asked those repeating it why they didn't believe the tests, I found that the source was some parents' unhappiness with a much older Mother's Choice model ie not this one, that they said was inconsistently rated. Because of the one-liner catching on, the scepticism has been repeated by some ever since to refer to all MC seats, mainly by those who don't own a current model (based on my questioning).
Just a heads up for those who Google and find a bunch of folks on social media/forums repeating this claim.
I bought it and it works fine. It does use a fiddly, twisty 3 point harness and rear anchor strap, but all car child seats have those (versus say, the easier four point entry buckle used by Bugaboo prams). It's reasonably easy to take off the covers and wash them and most importantly, to put them back. There is one fiddly elastic on the fabric that is hard to thread through the shell, but we've fed it down the outside and it doesn't seem to cause any issues, certainly not functionally.
With big messes (ie vomit), chucking those in the wash and hosing down the hard plastic shell has worked fine for us.
Finally, this is a great deal. Because of the seat's popularity, it rarely drops below its RRP, and if it does, never more than $10. Dammit, why couldn't my kids have been born four years later?