Gaming PC Capable of Running VRChat - Budget $1400

My amount limit is $1400-$1450 and I'm currently looking for a PC capable of running VRChat. The reason VRChat is used specifically is because with my old PC, that was the only game that chugged a little.

I'm currently looking at a Kudan LVL 6 from Radium PCs as my hands aren't steady enough to build my own PC, so I'm wondering if anyone knows another pre-built that is good. My old one was from Radium, so I don't know if they've gotten worse within the last few years.


  • +5

    Faster CPU and GPU. Lower price.

  • -1
    $748 for a RTX4060, that's all you need. It's not expired.

  • do you need to spend $1500 to just run VR chat? I mean it runs on Quest which is basically a high end android phone.

    or do you mean you want to play VR chat but without the VR? just on your monitor. I guess that's your only option then.. PC.

    • VRChat runs on the Quest by heavily limiting what can be seen or done. With an actual headset, you need a pretty good set up to run the game at 30-60 fps on high settings.

      I'm using an actual VR Headset and I plan to use high settings. So I'd need a good PC that I'm willing to drop money on to do so. Even then, I used VRC as a placeholder for the type of PC I want because again, that was the only game that ever stuttered while I was playing.

      • fair enough. I admit am a little ignorant when it comes to games/graphics.

        never got into gaming well it helps I thought it was too expensive and preferred to spend my money on other stuff so I skipped the whole PC build phase.
        so that applies to skipping both consoles and PC, I'm just now starting to play a few games on ipad.

        I did not know Quest VR chat is heavily limited. good to know.
        just my understanding was since VR is basically like running a display the size of an android phone, the less processing was needed.
        but tbh I have no idea how it works on PC, so everything must be much higher quality and maybe even rendering stuff you can't see or something, that's why it was stuttering on your old PC.

        I just thought a $799 quest 3 would give you a more streamlined experience. sounds like i was wrong.

        • You're not completely wrong on it being a more streamlined experience. It is, just one that does lock down on some stuff to make it functional. Such as graphics, avatars and worlds.

          Take the Vive Cosmos for example, it has 2880 x 1700 combined pixel resolution—high visual resolution and from personal experience, runs VRChat very well on higher graphics. The thing that's different between a Quest and a Vive is that on your PC it loads everything. The world, the avatars, the music, everything that loads will load.

          It gives a more amazing experience because you see everyone and can do everything without losing out on things like seeing people and what they run around as, on Quest, higher quality avatars default to 'fallbacks' which are Avatars that people.on Quest will see instead of the one you're using.

          If I play VRChat again, I'd want to be able to experience it all. Not just part of it.

          • @WJG: yeah I get you.

            I just thought VR chat was mainly more for social experience and didn’t even think of the avatar and overall quality.

            but now thinking of it if you think you looked a certain way, but a most users couldn’t see what you look like that would definitely affect the social side of things too. or if you couldn’t see what other users looked like (same problem).

            tbh I have played it a bit before but now I realise even people playing without VR on PC are getting a better overall experience than on quest.

            and I should apologise I misread your original post as “VR chat is the most demanding game that I run on my old PC” so that’s why I didn’t think you needed to spend $1500 and maybe a quest would be enough running VR chat + other less demanding type games.

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