Help Unstick My Letterbox Door (I'm Dumb)


WD40 on the stuck mail and tapped it back in with a paint scraper and crowbar.


I have a parcelbox letterbox and my dumb arse let the junk build up on the floor of the box.

Now the junk is wedged under the door and I cannot open it. One of the wedged items is a fridge magnet.

Argh, does anyone have any ideas how to unwedge the mail under the door?



  • +7

    Carefully light a match and place it near offending items. Come back in about 30 minutes for best results.

    • I can't tell if you're serious lol

      I think that would burn the paint off the letterbox door?

      • +4

        Can you tell if this is serious?

        • Spray deodorant into the parcel opening
        • Unlock
        • Stand to the side and throw a match in
        • The explosion should unstick the door
        • +6

          Nuke the entire site from orbit- it's the only way to be sure.

        • I love it.
          My parcels won't though

      • +1

        He forgot the bit about spraying wd40

        (Don’t do this)

        • I think the WD40 actually helped the mail slide back!

  • +2

    How on earth does that thing open normally? It has no handle?
    Is it on a swivel or something?

    Also, why is junkmail in a parcel box and not the letter box?
    Or are they one in the same for your place?

    • You punch in a code and it swings open by itself.

      The junk mail falls from the letterbox slot to the floor (it's the one box)

      • Poke something long through the slot and hammer it.

        If that doesn’t work, do the above with a friend or family member and get something to leverage it from the other side simultaneously (or even something sticky you can make a dodgy handle out of like duct tape or plunger etc)

        If that fails, back to muzeebs way… burn it 😂

  • Hammer.

    • Can't get a hammer inside the letterbox

      • +1

        Yeah, but the hammer can be used at the back, it just means it'll be permanently broken.

        • +1

          "If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem soon gets hammered"

          -Confucius, probably

    • Hammer Time?

      (M.C. Hammer - U Can't Touch This)

  • +1

    Use a flat head screw driver and leverage it it open.

    • +1

      I might have to try this with a bigger screwdriver. It doesn't budge with an average flathead

      • Yeah, it might need to be large to get the leverage.

  • Can you poke the back door from the parcel drop opening?

    • Tried this - it's wedged too tightly

  • any ideas how to unwedge the mail under the door?

    Go to the Bunnings information desk and ask them if you can borrow their unwedger…
    No point in buying a new one…

  • You need one of those flat/stubby crowbars

  • +3

    Pliers to pull some stuff out. Maybe some sort of tool to lever it out - maybe something that doesn't damage the paintwork.

    In addition to clearing junk mail, it may be worth getting a "No Junk Mail" to prevent this in the future.

    • -2

      it may be worth getting a "No Junk Mail" to prevent this in the future.

      that wont work. "junk" is subjective…

      Best to put a sign that says "Australia Post addressed mail" only…

      • No AliExpress parcels then?

      • Then Aramex will never deliver.

    • +2

      I tried with pliers but the mail just kept tearing.

      I got it open by tapping a paint scraper with a crowbar <3

      • +2

        Nice one. Time for a "No Junk Mail" or "Addressed mail only" sticker now.

        • Most definitely 😁

  • +3

    I'd try to unclog the bottom gunk with a thin metal paint scraper…

  • +2
    • A helpful jv post, now that's a rare sight.

      I was going to suggest their best kitchen knife, but your suggestion is way too sensible for that.

    • +1

      This was going to be my last resort but tapping the mail back with paint scraper + crowbar worked!

  • Can you take a better picture? that at least covers the whole letterbox? Or do you have a link to the product? How does it open? You mentioned punching in the code and it swings open, is the latch stuck from all the mail?

    • It's exactly this letterbox…

      The latch unlocks but it can't swing open because the mail is wedged underneath and holding the door in place.

      • Okay, I think you'll need to unlock it and then try to pry it open with crowbar or maybe a flat screwdriver?

        I can't imagine how much mail you must have to hold the door in place…

        • There's a flyer with a fridge magnet that is holding it in place :(

          It is my own fault, but damn, I never thought it would be this jammed!

          I will look for a small crowbar because the flathead isn't doing much

      • Does yours have a front chute? It looks like it's possible to push the rear door from the front chute while it's unlocked ?

  • +4

    I'd get a flathead and possibly a hammer and try stuffing the mail back underneath so the door isn't as wedged close.

    • +4

      YES! This worked - thank you!
      It's finally open!

  • +2

    If muzeeb's suggestion does not work, maybe hose the mail to soften the paper.

    • It's already wet which I think is part of the problem

      • +1

        Hairdryer in that case

  • +4

    Get a metal paint scraper. Slide it in and out of the bottom (hehe). Maybe tap with a hammer.

    • +6


      WD40 on the stuck mail and tapped it back in with a paint scraper and crowbar.

  • +1

    Clear the gap at the bottom by pulling out the paper and shredding the rest with something sharp by scraping it then try and push on the door from the other side by opening the flap and sliding your arm in or a broomstick.

    • +1

      This is what we did initially but pushing from the other side would lift the whole letterbox.

      Tapping a paint scraper with a crowbar worked :D

  • +1

    Maybe the teenagers who blow up letter boxes for fun can help.

  • +3

    Toilet plunger suctioned onto the door, then pull real hard.

  • Can you open the front chute half away and use long something to stab the back opening from the inside?

    • +3

      I did try this but it was so jammed at the bottom that the door wouldn't budge.

      Tapping the mail back in with a paint scraper + crowbar worked :D

  • +4

    Drop some snails in there and come back in a few days.

    • And just in time for Bastille Day!

  • TURN IT upside down

  • +1

    Put a floor in there so papers are above the gap to prevent it happening again.

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