This was posted 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS5] Diablo IV $49 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Inb4 all the D4 hate comments. A deals a deal..

Now price matched JB hi-fi @ $49, down from $57

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Had good fun with this game on launch, but has anything meaningfully changed since then? Contemplating having another run through with some mates.

    • +3

      Skipped 3 seasons and played this time, had fun but still no end game thing. But yeah, had a blast for 2-4 weeks with at least 1hr game daily. Just can't understand why people spend several hours per day until the last day of the season. Will be playing again next season.

      • I bought a copy. Stayed away at launch for all the reasons, but willing to try now for $57.

        I loved D3 and sunk hundreds of hours into it. Is D4 just much of the same? Which is fine by me lol.

        • It's too much money bro and they are about to release xpac so you will need to spend more to stay up with the content

    • Depends what you want from it. I always find end game a problem in these style of games, they want you to keep playing after you clear the content but I just don't see the appeal of the current end game. I'm not interested in beating the same bad guys over and over in slightly increasing difficulties just for the sake of it. The multiplayer is just playing your character your way next to another player rather then any real teamwork, you don't particularly bounce off each other.

      The seasons are a bit of fun for the extra content but not for long. I treat the game as a single player experience so don't rip through as fast as people playing together but even then you clear through all the new content that the seasons bring pretty quick.

    • +3

      Season 4 is a massive improvement. Worth checking it out imo. Still room for improvement but it's come a long way.

      • Can someone explain what all this Season stuff means?

        Normal games you just play from start to end. It's the same game playing single or multiplayer right?

        • +1

          Diablo 4 has a 'normal mode' (Eternal) where you can play through the campaign and then farm whatever gear you want and then run the various end game content on harder and harder difficulties.

          Diablo 4 seasons are a seperate mode (Seasonal) where every few months you start fresh for each season. You need to create a new character for seasonal mode and you still build up your character and run various end game content, but there are special 'seasonal affixes' which change some of the loot that drops or gives you diffrent buffs that you couldn't get in normal mode.

          Seasonal mode lets Blizzard deal with 2 things:
          - multiplayer ladder system where players compete for the best speed or highest difficulty - resets every season
          - Season Passes to sell you content

          • @Zythyx: Thank you! That explains it. Not sure I'd be too interested in the seasonal stuff then!

    • +1

      It's gotten much better. The loot changes they've made this season are great.

      I understand the frustration people have with it but its purposely not trying to be PoE or Last Epoch. That isnt the demographic Blizzard are after.

      I usually play a new season, get a character to lvl 100 and pit down. Worth a go if you havent played since launch

  • +1

    I bought this a few months back when it was last at this price.

    Great value and a super fun game with the latest season. Easily one of the best Diablos and the loop is pretty good now. Had a lot of fun levelling up in order to beat the main final boss which was a frustrating experience but on par with defeating a hard dark souls/Elden Ring boss that you have to really understand.

    Other than that boss the rest is just fun running around, upgrading items, getting loot without thinking too much.

  • How does one play Diablo with a controller? I just don't see it working but I guess it does! Probably a lot easier than all the clicking I imagine

    • I played a ton of D3 on PC and then also a ton on Switch, didn't notice too much of a difference.
      It's pretty efficient

    • I played D2R on PS5 alongside PC, for casual solo gaming, excluding things like teleporting, was great! Pretty natural to be honest, I imagine games like D3/D4 which had consoles in mind on original creation would play even better

      • It's also a pia to select only objects you want to pick up via console vs mouse. If you've got a PC it's on gamepass for $9.99 a month.

  • -5

    Don't forget to add an extra $60 on top for the expansion. What a deal!!! :D

    • +1

      Negative. You wait for sale. You're on ozbargain mate

  • Hmm, already have it on PC but being able to play it on my Portal makes this very tempting…

  • Hi can i play without PS monthly subscription? I just like to play solo.

    • +1

      No sub required for solo. Have to create a battlenet acct though (free)

  • +1
    • Amazon has now matched

  • Is this fun in single player ? Cant quote ascertain from the comments lol

  • Now $49

  • Campaign is very good and lasts between 20-30 hours depending on your play style. Season 1-3 were rubbish but they are now on right track with Season 4 and Season 5 changes look promising as well. Leveling is faster and there's heaps of things you can do with other players without being in a group or playing with friends like Helltides and Legion events etc.

    You can expect a good 30-50 hours play out of each season. People expecting to have fun for 5-6 hours a day every day each season in this game is unrealistic.

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