Random Packages from China?

Hey guys anyone received random packages from China?

I received a bunch of air fresheners, at first I thought it might've been a freebie deal I signed up to but searching on here I couldn't find anything. I then decide to Google this specific type of air freshener and lo and behold the first result comes up with aliexpress. Now I did order some things from aliexpress but that was a while ago maybe a month or two and those items I've received.

Some more searching brings up a thing called 'brushing'(forbes.com) something sellers do to boost their reviews/ratings? Now if that's the case and they only have my real name and address (I use a fake email/mobile), is there anything else I should be concerned about (besides the odd random item showing up)?

Anyone else experienced this before?


  • +1


    • Nope here too.

      AliExpress doesnt not waste time and money on sending random items which you have not ordered and paid for in full.

      Most probably delivered to WRONG ADDRESS

  • Yes, covid

  • +4

    It was in the news(youtu.be).

    • Interesting, seems like a common thing now.

      • Have you checked whether 'you' left a review?

  • +12

    an acquaintance is sending you a subtle message …

  • yeah i got something like this about 5 years ago, went straight into the bin. think it was some promo

  • I got a random blu-ray from Amazon UK last week.

    • +1

      Don't bin it. Donate to Lifeline to resell to help others.

      • +2

        I was planning to watch it first. Not sure how many Lifeline punters would be into Jodorowsky. :)

  • +8

    I was delivered a BYD car. Not happy, as the fake review associated with the order was a 5 star review, when I would have only given a 4 star.

  • +6

    Last couple of packages I’ve received from china, is AliExpress orders that were refunded to me for non delivery

    Like an item I ordered in 2023, was delivered last week!

    • So there is hope my lost parcels will arrive still.

    • Have had similar. Refunded 3 months after purchase. Item shows up 6 months from purchase.

  • -1

    How do you know they are random ?

    • Because they weren’t ndramo

  • Maybe someone is messing with you.

  • Our overlords buttering up the population

  • Even bikies have noses

  • I sent my item back to the address on the package stating I never ordered.

    • you paid money for something you didn't order and didn't keep?

      • Nope. RTS no fee didn’t you know?
        And the item was crap and was just going to go into landfill. So I sent it back to go into their landfill.

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