Red rooster Christmas in July week 2 deals
Click and collect (min spend $10)
2 pieces fried chicken free - CC4003
$5 rippa roll - CC4004
Other click and collect deals which you can get by playing their online scratch and win lucky draw (seems to be generic codes) -
3 free chicken tenders - CC4007
Free large chips+600 ml drink - CC4001
$5 family chips - CC4010
Can play the game and see if any more codes are there
All click and collect has minimum spend of $10 as mentioned earlier
In store only offers
$5 off $15 purchase
$5 family chips (min $10 purchase)
These are coupons in your account; so check in case they are targeted
Delivery only offers (min spend $25)
Free large chips - RR4003
$15 whole roast chicken - RR4004
Also Check for cashback offers if any
The rippa rolls are so disappointing, they need to bring back those crispy tenders….