Red Light Therapy Cap for Hair Growth

Hi all, looking into red light therapy caps for hair regrowth/ preventing a receding hairline.

There are models on eBay for $50 delivered and then other branded units with reviews in the $1-$2,000 range.

My budget is ideally sub $300 as the device seems relatively simple and my suspicion is the high priced devices are very similar just with added marketing.

Please share your experiences or advice on choosing an OzBargain friendly red light cap. Which model do you think offers the best value at this price point?

Do I need lasers or is LED sufficient?


  • +2

    Have a read of some of the experiences here: r/tressless

    General concensus seems to be that it isn't effective/worth it.

  • +4

    I mean if you think you can grow hair with heat then go for it. But as usual DYOR.

    I myself am extremely dubious.

  • Try cow manure

  • +1

    Sure, we all had a $50 solution to hair loss just sitting under our noses this whole time. Damn, Big Pharma keeping the little man down!

      • +3

        Holy confirmation bias link, Batman… At least find a link to a reputable university peer reviewed and referenced article…

        Jesus H. Christ, that guy is literally the poster child for quackery and snake oil. This is the guy who injects himself with his son's blood… And you want me to take his advice seriously? He "treatments" cost in excess of USD$2m/year… And my first thought is, "yep, and it's all paid for on the backs of suckers and fools…"

    • -1

      Beneficial treatments have been suppressed for over a century, through a variety of means. UVBI therapy is just one in a long line.…

      It's not in the interests of pharmaceutical corporations to cure anything. Having people live longer but sicker ensures their survival.

      • +1

        That source is 99% antivaxx bullshit, citing checks Fox News. The other 1% is new age quackery, spruiking 'sun healing' and water 'zeta potential.' This 'midwestern doctor' is basically that 1 in 10 dentist who doesn't believe in brushing teeth.

        • -3

          That "source" actually writes intelligent & thoughtful articles on a variety of topics.

          Haven't you figured out yet the censorship push against "antivaxx" is because they are….actually right? Lol.

          The denial doesn't surprise me though.

          • @mrdean: Lmao, that blog is like Disney land for people who have deep mental issues and want to blame everything on the Gov and big pharma.

            Makes big claims, followed by zero referencing.

  • +2

    I've experimented with red light & infrared leds to regrow hair on a small area on my right shin. It took months of daily exposure for a small length of time, & the hair regrowth was noticeable, but not fully regrown.

    In my opinion, it can be done, but it is highly variable. Depends on the quality of the equipment you buy, the power of said equipment, the length of exposure (more isn't necessarily better). It also depends on what you DON'T do.

    I don't recommend full body red light exposure for most people, because red light is stimulating. If cancer is present, it will likely stimulate & encourage that growth, which is something you don't want. Targeted red light therapy is in my view, safer.

  • why not Finasteride or Dutasteride

  • Cheaper and much safer to see a phychologist who can help you learn to live with a universal problem facing most men at some stage.

    Alternatively, You could do a Molly, and buy a hat to hide it. Again, a cheaper and much safer solution.

    Your health and wellbeing are way more important than vanity.

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