This was posted 12 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout 3: Game of The Year Edition (PC) - $5.36 AUD @ Steam


On sale for the next 7 hours only. (5am AEDST)

Paypal converting USD TO AUD at exactly the same rate.. thanks BurnZ

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Notice: Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7

    That's odd. Does anyone have any issues with it?

    • +2

      Should be fine, just have a read of this.…

    • I recently played it on Win 7 with no problems at all.

    • +1

      Really? I played it on a 24" monitor no problems oh… except for vats when it zooms in was slow, totally playable tiny thing.

      Fallout 3 (and NV) are awesome! If you haven't played you need to.

      Please tell your loved ones you will be out of contact for the next month before playing. (I racked up 120 hours)

      • i racked up about 6 months…. had to stop because I had to go back to work :(

  • +12

    Went to buy….. already own :(

  • +1

    Wow… I'm gonna get a copy even if I don't have time to play…

  • $5.36 USD
    $5.84 AUD

    • +2

      From Paypal:

      From amount $5.36 AUD
      To amount $5.36 USD
      Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 1.00000 USD

    • +2

      That little amount isn't worth complaining about.

      • It was an error on the OPs part, not the actual price.

        Not a complaint, a correction.

  • Not compatable with Windows 8 apparently

    • run Windows 7 then. ;)

  • +1

    Loved this game!

  • Just had to buy it…… Thx


  • I don't mean to be a dick or anything, but this is a dupe :S
    Unless we're going to have new posts for every single game that comes on sale during the steam sales.

    • -1

      Sure, down vote the man speaking the truth.

      Of course, there is this loophole to the rules - "The duplicate gains an excessive amount of positive votes (50+) and reaches the front page." But it seems a little ridiculous, considering the post it is a duplicate of is still on the front page itself.

      "Oh but Pry, we don't all look at what is on sale all the time during the steam sales, its handy to have posts like these so we can catch the really good deals."

      Ok, well I guess we should start posting every game that becomes a flash sale or daily sale then, just to be sure those who don't check steam will always know. Then any game that's popular enough can reach the front page and survive deletion. Now that I think about it… this sounds like a terrible idea.

      Perhaps the best solution would be to limit it to one post per day for sales like this, so instead of people randomly posting single games during the sale, there can be one post per day that informs us all of the days deals, and can be updated with flash sales as the day goes on. That way there'll always be a post on the front page for you to look at.

      Actually even better would be to have the one single deal stickied at the top or somewhere else on the page for ongoing deals with constantly changing items.

      Carry on, neg'ers.

      • -2

        Whingepool is that way —->

    • +4

      Normally, I would agree with you (and I am usually a strict observer of the rules). However, this discount isn't featured on the Steam storefront (as far as I can see), so it's highly unlikely it would've been found by the majority of people were this not an individual post (and it's quite a good deal, considering 75% off is a seemingly above average discount).

      Additionally, the main Autumn Sale post here on OzBargain features no actual games / highlights, so people would still not be aware of this particular bargain (normally the poster will include the deals of the day / flash sales, but apparently that particular poster is somewhat lazy). Understandably, with so many Black Friday deals going about, the main Autumn Sale deal isn't highlighted on the front page, so it's quite likely that it will soon fall out of sight and out of mind. Therefore, I'm of the opinion that individual posts are reasonable (especially one of this value)

      In a perfect world, it would be great for everything to be organised and categorised efficiently, with posts being updated as new deals are revealed and things staying generally uncluttered… but given the considerably crowded deal space at the moment (and the community-driven nature of this website), that's largely impossible.

      BTW, didn't neg you :-)

      • Good point my friend. The original Autumn Sale post is rather lackluster, and Fallout 3 isn't advertised on the front page of the Steam sale. So after further review I have decided to let this one slide.

        Just this once.

        Though I would like this perfect world, so front page real estate isn't wasted by deals that could all be combined in one post.

        • Though I would like this perfect world, so front page real estate isn't wasted by deals that could all be combined in one post.

          You and me both. Though if everything was the way I wanted it, this place would more resemble North Korea, hence essentially defeating the purpose of a community-driven website ;-)

  • +5

    Fallout 3 GOTY = $5.36

    Dead Island GOTY = $6.79

    KOTOR 2 = $2.49

    No time to ever play my huge steam library = priceless

    • +4

      I'm the same as you. I want to buy all these games because they're way undervalued, yet I know I will never play them. And by the time I am able to devote some time to them they will be so outdated I'd rather play something new.

  • No time to ever play my huge steam library = priceless,
    And these will make an excellent addition to the things to do list if i ever get time!

    Now just a few extra copies aside for Xmas gifts :)

  • Ah missed it. back to $12.89 now.

    • Fallout 3 still shows as 5.99 if you're interested.

      GOTY edition doesn't anymore tho.

      • +3

        while Fallout 3 is a great game, if you haven't played it before I'd recommend buying it with the expansions. Without going into spoilers, it makes the game a bit better.

      • Thanks, but I have the retail GOTY. For $5 though I'd like it on steam instead.

  • KOTOR and KOTOR2 were back to 4.99 at 1am last night, must have missed those too. Garrys mod is now 2.49 instead.

  • I'm so lazy I would buy this so I don't have to hook up my optical drive to install FO3 with the disc I have.

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