Ethernet Ports throughout Home Not Working

Tech noob here,

Just got my house built and the NBN connected, but when I connect the patch cable from the LAN1 port in the modem to the multi ports, and from the living room to my laptop, there is still no internet connection. I tried all five of those ports as shown in the photo with no luck. Is there something I’m doing wrong?


  • As we don't know how you house and ports are connected to NBN could you please give us more info?
    Try connecting laptop to modem ports directly to see is it working.

    • It works 100%. Just not from the living room to laptop.

  • +3

    call your builder?

  • That cable that's in the other slot, maybe try it in the other slot to test the signal.

  • +7

    Get one of these. It is so handy.

    There could be a wiring problem and it will say which pin it is. You can then also easily find what port is what without having to run back and forth.

    Then, depending on that outcome you call the builder to tell them to get the electrician back because there is an issue, then it should come at no charge. If you call them and they come to find no fault, then you could be up for some $$$.

  • Do any ports in the house work?

    Would not surprise me if they’ve installed it, but not actually connected it all up

    • Non, I got single ports in three rooms, my living room, master bedroom and upstairs living room. Non of them work :(

  • +1

    I find it weird that 3 out of 5 of those ports are 90 degrees to what they should be……. must've been the apprentice.

    • +1

      I find it weird as well.

    • I reckon they're the three that are cabled to the rooms in the house

      • Possibly, but still confusing, they should've just labelled them.

    • Okay

  • Often if you pull off the cover of the outlet at each end, if the sparky was good they'll have written which one connects where.

    Telstra HFC instructions are here…

    Have you tried with your laptop plugged into the yellow ports 1 to 4 directly on the Telstra Smart Modem 3? If that doesn't work, then it isn't the cabling.

    Does WiFi work from the Telstra Smart Modem 3?

    Page 31 of the manual has a list of troubleshooting steps.

    • Yes, WiFi works, and yes it does work when I connect laptop directly to yellow port 1.

      • OK - so the wiring is suspect. Patch cables don't often fail, but test each of them as working directly between the laptop and the Telstra Smart Modem.

        If that works, then the cabling is wrong in the house. If you don't know which one goes where, try what is listed here - pull off the surrounding cover and see if there are labels under there.
        Speak to the builder / sparky who installed it
        Get a cheap cable tester and see which one buzzes by plugging in the signal generator part to the distribution box side and pointing the tester close to each outlet. When the cable is right it will beep.
        Then run the cable pair tester to see that each one lights up in the correct order with none missing.

  • Buy a LAN cabling tester and check the LAN connections. They are easy to use and cheap. You just plug a dongle in at one end, and test from the other end. If it doesn't work, call your builder and get it fixed. The LAN cabling tester saying it doesn't work as supplied is proof he needs to fix it. And when he sends someone to fix it, you can check its working before they go.

  • Looks like you haven't cabled the three house ethernet ports to the yellow ports on your gateway. In your image you've connected one port, so one of your rooms should be working. Although be wary that only three of the five will be cabled but I'd guess it's the three turned at 90 degrees.

    • I just went to office works to purchase 2 more patch cables. Still no luck. Would this be a cable issue on the builder's end?

      • So three ports on the 6-gang wall plate are now cabled to the yellow ones on your gateway?

  • +5

    I had similar issue and called in a warranty issue with builder.

    Electrician came and confirmed they weren't wired / connected correctly.

    About 30mins of servicing and all my lan ports worked.

  • You wouldn't believe how common this is. I get asked to consult for friends all the time, and the answer is like the others have said.

    1. Test the ports
    2. Record the results
    3. Get a sparky to look at the results
    4. if they say they can fix it without re-doing the whole lot, throw money at them
    • Yep, ended up claiming this through warranty. The sparky said it was just loose connections, he also changed the wall plate and it's all good now.

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