• expired

Residential nbn: 25/5 $54/Month ($15/M off), 100/20 $69/M ($25/M off), 250/25 $79/M ($40/M off) for First 6 Months @ Swoop


Looking at better plans as I am at the end of my 6 month promo from Superloop. Found this "Finder exclusive" deal. I think the 250/25 deal is at a good price point at this time.

Plans for first 6 months are:
25/5 - $54 ($15 off) - FINDER15
50/20 - $69 ($15 off) - FINDER15
100/20 - $69 ($25 off) - FINDER25
100/40 - $79 ($25 off) - FINDER25
250/25 - $79 ($40 off) - FINDER40
1000/50 - $119 ($20 off) - FINDER20

Offer available until July 31, 2024.

No contracts or set up fees.
Unlimited data.
Australia based support.

About Swoop
Critical Information Summary
Key Facts Sheet

Referral Links

Referral: random (50)

Swoop Broadband purchases: Referrer and referee receive $15 credit per month for 6 months.
Swoop Mobile purchases: No offer

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I will also likely need to shift soon, anyone can share experience with this ISP?

    • +1

      Had a skim of Whirlpool and there were a few negative comments more recently. Any personal experiences here though? Product Review seems far more positive

    • +4

      I had a problem setting it up and the 'Australian support' had to act as a chinese whisperer between me and 'Dave' because I suspect that Dave was in India and was not in fact actually Dave. The connection once established was fine.

      • +2

        Oh! My God! Some Indian bloke killed Dave and stole his identity.

        • +1

          Pour one out for poor davo, he was a top bloke.

      • Why can’t it be Dave in India?

      • +2

        Dave is a real guy and from Australia

    • +6

      Sure. I signed up with a booked connection date which they missed by 5 days sighting "we were busy". Had no issues with service. Wanted to churn after 6 months which means calling them, long wait but helpful guy told my when my rollover date is and booked the disconnection for then. Was disconnected, then still charged for the following month. Called again (contacting them is not a short process) "oh yeah that happens sometimes, we'll refund you in 2-3 weeks as my manager is busy". Still no refund 2 months later, I see they've credited my account but that's useless to me as I'm never going back there. Tossing up whether I can be bothered spending another hour on the phone to contact anyone that can do anything about it…

  • Looking at better plans

    Do you mean cheaper plans?

    • +1

      Always yes, this is OzBargain after all

  • Is this PPPOE or IPOE?

    • +1

      What’s the real world difference. Is PPPOE preferred? I’ve got no idea and spintel recently swapped and I’m wondering if it’s worth changing due to that

      • +1

        IPOE is meant to be more modern. It is also DCHP / Dynamic (depending on your router).

        I went to Optus for the Flybuys deal 100/20. Had nothing but problems on IPOE / Dynamic (Tenda MW5 on FTTC). Previously on Mates (PPPoE). Line was 100/20. Seems have from 15% - 45% packet loss (cloudflare speed test). Trace route and optus to Google.com is like 12 hops where as Tangerine (I switched out in under 5 days) is like 7 hops. Also tried ABC which is like 8 on Optus but 4 on Tangerine. With 3 time outs.

        Might have nothing to do with IPOE but my experience is without PPPOE authentication you don't know if it is a password issue or something else.

        • Packet loss, additional hops etc indicates that you were having ISP or other issues rather than IPoE or PPPoE. The main thing is hassle setting the thing up. With IPoE then it is just plug and play. If you move from one IPoE provider to another, then everything is automatic. With PPPoE you need to put the username and password into your router, and that can be tricky to do even for the more technically minded out there.

          • +1

            @PlasticSpaceman: Given the trace routes I suspect it is the Optus servers that is the problem not the IPOE but it is the first RSP I used with IPOE.

            Optus technical support wasn't very helpful to be honest and probably knew less than me. I explained in detail how I was on 50/20 PPPoE elsewhere. The modem worked for 12 months unlikely to fail. All the steps I have taken to diagnose the issue. Every call they went to do a NBN line check and it is like guys it isn't the line sync problem because you can see it at 100/20 and I can get 100/20 on internet speed check. It is when you look at packet loss and trace routes the problem is clear.

            • @netjock: Ah, @netjock, don't get me started on my various nightmare interactions with optus technical support. I started with Optus as a beta tester for cable before it was officially released, and was with them for over 20 years before I pulled the pin. Sadly things got worse over the years, both technical skills plus they tended not to have the tools required to properly troubleshoot issues. Before I left they had multiple problems with their dns (definitely do not use their default servers, but rather something like not to mention routing problems with traffic going through insane routes. Could also be pure coincidence the issues started when you switched - don't blame support wanting to check the signal if you have HFC (ie using coax to the street) you can get a dodgy connection on the telephone pole etc etc and that was a contributing factor a couple of times for my service.

              All I can suggest is keep a log of all the issues and when you have contacted them. In particular if you also have a 'phone service with them, you may be able to use that to get some sort of credit back. I ended up basically having internet with them for free for over a year.

              • @PlasticSpaceman: FTTC.

                I ported out because the internet is unworkable for WFH.

                I've got all the test reports and trace routes. Only with them for 4 days. The CS said I need to pay full month, their resolutions team will call me. I told them to put on the notes I'm going straight to the TIO if they want me to pay for basically no service.

    • PPPoE

    • +2

      It's DHCP by default for NBN plans, but you can still use PPPoE if you prefer.

      • Other info seemed to indicate otherwise, so good to know, thanks.

  • The Finder website shows the $40 off should work with the gigabit plan, but swoop website says differently. Wonder if they'd honor this.

    • They will honour via phone, finder site has not been updated yet.

  • +1

    I tried it but it said code doesn't work

    • Where did you input the code?

  • No 30 day disconnect 👍👍👍

    Could not get code to work, to get100/20 plan to $69

  • +3

    I've wound up just staying at superloop because their 1000/50 plan is generally cheaper than anyone's 6 month deal. Best is Leaptel at $99 a month for 6 months, I pay $109.

    I wish more places would start offering 500/200 though, or even 250/100. Wholesale price for 250/100 is only $3 more than 1000/50, but Leaptel charge $20 more to get it (and they're by far the cheapest)

    • +4

      Big changes and speed increases coming by end of the year.

      • The residential cap of 50mb up is just killing me, personally, so the "50-100" might not be all that great. It causes so many issues when I'm hogging all the upstream for data/work/teams calls that even some diligent QoS often doesn't do much.

        I'm moving to Leaptel though because no one else seems even interested in offering it. Reached out to Superloop and they just said nope, not happening anytime soon.

    • +3

      Spare a thought for those of us with fttn before you get greedy with speed. I recently "upgraded" my 50/20 plan to 100/40. I'm about 50m from the node, but according to nbn, 48/16 is acceptable for a 100/40 plan. I've since gone back to 50/20 with no noticeable speed decrease. Personally, I don't think Nbn should be spending anything upgrading ftttp or hfc until every fttn home can reliably get above,50.
      I'm 4km from the CBD of my capital city, detached house.

      • +2

        This is why politics and infrastructure dont mix. They should only be able to pick and choose previously scoped(and priced) projects from a list.

      • Sorry, I'm going to eat all the bits, om nom nom.

        It's so garbage, mine was only upgraded last year so I know your pain - particularly when my neighbours had FTTP and I wasn't.

        Problem isn't an upgrade for me though, it's simply getting more ISPs offering what's readily available to them at a reasonable price. I'm guessing there are RSP upgrades required and not enough people interested though.

    • +1

      I’ve been paying $99 for Leaptel 1000/50 for over a year now. Let’s just say their support are very accommodating.

  • +1

    That is expensive for a discounted 1000/50 plan and their regular pricing after 6 months is also above average :/
    Also, compared to TPG 100/20 with the first month free, they work out to be $66 PM if you stay for the 6 months, this is more than that at $69 PM.
    No deal.

  • +1

    Static or public sticky IP or is the a CGNAT?

    • +3

      Unfortunately it's CGNATed


      "Does Swoop use CGNAT?

      Yes – CGNAT (Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation) is used on our broadband services and is typically enabled by default. This means that your public-facing IP address is often shared with other users, which is necessary to avoid running out of limited IPv4 addresses. "

    • +1

      Opt out, then you get a sticky public IP

  • +7

    Mates NBN has a better deal with better speed and better price ($20 off for 6 months with promo code KERR20):

    25/10 $45 ($20 off)
    50/20 $55 ($20 off)
    100/20 $65 ($20 off)

    An flip NBN has a great deal for NBN 25/8 ($39 for 6 months)

    • I am looking to switch from Exetel in the next week and Mate was the plan for 6 months to see if there's any other deals. Only need 25/10 for now, so might go with Flip. Thanks for sharing :)

      • +2

        Make sure you give 30 days notice. I emailed them and they are trying to claim the 30 days from the day I switched, not the day j emailed them. Also crap they only have us like 15 days notice of a price increase but force us to stay into the increase. Love how they treat a customer of 6 years

        • There is someone on another post who looked into it and found that if the contract is altered (price change), that no longer applies.

          Edit: here's the post: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15373421/redir

          I spoke to retentions and told them that (after they offered a measly $4 discount). They asked that I let them know the day of the new connection.

    • Oh bugger, I just switched to Mate $45 now I see your flip post. Boo!

  • Does Swoop support ipv6? And if so, what size prefix is delegated, and is it static?


    Swoop currently assigns IPv6 addresses with every residential connection. Most routers should pick this up automatically but it may need to be enabled on some. Once you have IPv6, your traffic will bypass CGNAT as this only applies to IPv4 traffic. Unfortunately, not all of the internet is currently available over IPv6, so some traffic will still need to use IPv4 and CGNAT.

    No more detail than that however.

    • I’m with swoop. Yes they support.

    • I just join Scoop 10 days ago. I am not sure if I am on IPv4 or IPv6. Could you tell how to check it? What is the advantage of using IPv6? Is it compatible with all web sites?
      I call Scoop few days ago to opt out CGNAT because my VOIP fax otherwise not working. I am told it is free to do that.
      Thank you

      • +1

        Try this website and see what it returns:


        To get more detail, you'd need to go into your router's admin interface and see if it supports prefix delegation (or DHCPv6-PD), and what the prefix is (should be a long string of numbers and letters followed by '/48' or '/56' etc). The reason that PD is important is probably not relevant to most average users, so I'll leave the detail out for now, but basically you ideally want a number that is /56 or less.

        What is the advantage of using IPv6?

        The main benefit is that it isn't behind a CG-NAT so you can access services that you host at home, remotely (and may help with gaming in some less common cases). As you found yourself it can frequently be disabled if you ask, but I suspect this will eventually stop being an option so it's good to learn a bit about it and get it working for the future. An additional benefit is that in theory the IP should be static, and the PD should be static as well, but in practice this isn't always the case. This is relevant if you want to connect to a home server and don't want to rely on using dynamic DNS to handle changing IPs. Or you want to a host a website etc for the same reason.

        Is it compatible with all web sites?

        Most, but not all. ISPs in Australia use a dual-stack implementation, which means both ipv4 (the traditional IP standard) and ipv6 are supported at the same time. Which one will be prioritised depends on a number of factors. You can try installing the ipvfoo extension in Chrome or Firefox if you're interested in seeing which standard is being used to connect to a particular website.

  • +2

    100/20 went to 74 after I put in my address? Is it because i have FTTP?

    • Do you mean FTTN?

      • Nah I have FTTP why?

        • FTTN has speed limits defined by NBN. I thought you meant 74 was the speed not price?

    • +1

      Mine did the same. I think the code changes to 'EOFY20' in the results page automatically

  • +1

    Do they use Vocus?

  • If you are a CBA customer. Look in your Commbank App in the Yello rewards section, there might be a discount code for More internet. Check that out and compare pricing.

    • +1

      More is charging more for their plans this month

  • Code not recognised

  • I tried to sign up for the 250/25 deal @ $79 but it kept coming up at $84.

    Someone called me at Melbourne and explained that the promo code might not work for some customers so was calling around to apply them manually.

    Signed up and all sorted in 30 mins

    • I just moved from More to Swoop. Initially the Finder40 is not working for 250/25. I called them and the customer service are happy to fix it for me. I paid $79/month.

      • Hey man, how long did the service become activated? Thanks

  • +1

    I’ve been with these guys for 5+ years before they even swoop as swoop purchased them. So far, so good.

  • ** Code didnt work for me - They called and advised that there is/was problem with code

    and signed me up as i had already added all the details - kinda good service

    they advised the IPv6 - and they use superloop back haul - i think it was

    no contract - so i will see how it goes

  • In terms of gaming, does the upload speed have anything to do with having a faster gaming experience online?

    • +1

      Yeah it does but anything more than like 10 mb/s is suffcient

  • Who would pay 94 for 100/20? $25 off makes no sense

  • +1

    PSA for homelab people, they block ports even if you have a static IP.

    • +2

      You can opt-out of inbound firewall from the customer portal.

      • I see, good to know.

  • Ive been with swoop for 9 months now and i stream everything using a iptv setup.
    Connect and and speed has been great ,i was with superloop before that and wasnt the best

  • How long does the service become active? My previous internet service got cancelled today.. When you sign up a plan, does it send to a nbn company?

    • For those reading. Its not a good idea to cancel your current service before moving to another ISP. It can slow down the process. Wait until after the switch then you can contact them. In most cases they already know as NBN does inform them the connection has moved.

  • It seems like you have to go to finder first and click through, seems then to activate the offers above ;)

  • +1

    Does anyone know if you can schedule a connection date in the future ?

    • +1

      Yes booked mine for 01/ 08

  • Thanks for posting the deal. The $95/month from ABB has been paining me. Bit steep for FTTN. Changeover proved really easy, despite my weird modem.

  • How's the experience so far everyone? Might try Swoop even though cheapest seems to be Pronto Broadband. Haven't tried before though 🤔 .

    • +1

      Don't do it, constant drop outs and not even close to reaching advertised speeds, I'm going back to superloop

      • +1

        Luckily I went with Superloop at the end 😁 .

    • I reach higher than advertised speeds 100/20 no dropouts that have happened while I’m on, only problem is ping to neverwinter, from 240 to 309, not good, but haven’t called them yet

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