This was posted 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Portal Bundle $2.18, Left 4 Dead Bundle $2.18, Half-Life Complete $6.02 @ Steam


A few cracking prices for very good Valve bundles, both the Portal and L4D bundles match the previous ATL, the Half-Life complete has been slightly cheaper during a few sales in 2023, but still worthy of adding to the digital pile of shame.

Portal Bundle
* Portal 1
* Portal 2

Half-Life Complete
* Half-Life
* Half-Life Blue Shift
* Half-Life Opposing Force
* Half-Life 1 - Source
* Half-Life 2
* Half-Life 2 - Episode One
* Half-Life 2 - Episode Two
* Team Fortress Classic

Left 4 Dead Bundle
* Left 4 Dead
* Left 4 Dead 2

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closed Comments

  • +25

    if you haven't already played portal 1 and 2, and half-life 1 and 2 by now


    you're a silly billy

    • +5

      Silliest of all Billys, really.

      • +3

        profile picture checks out

    • +1

      I didn't have a PC back then..

      • +3

        no time like the present

        • +2

          Purchased after I made the post :P

    • +2

      I've tried to play Half-Life 1 when they gave it away for free a while ago. I get the worst motion sickness straight away. I don't really handle some games that well but HL1 was really awful. I may need to work up to it or something. I'm really worried about my ability to play VR stuff in the future.

      • +1

        fair enough, you get a pass on medical grounds

        • +17

          Morphine administered

      • Source engine motion sickness is apparently a thing, you can try bump up the FOV setting as high as it goes, might help, or for HL1 specifically, you could try Black Mesa, I'm not sure if that has the same issue or not for you though.

        • I think I've tried a few of the various fixes floating around but they didn't help. I may just have to build up some tolerance and just try again.

          I used to play quite a lot of FPS and was Ok but the last few attempts I've gotten sick relatively quickly.

          • @ozbs25: You are getting OLD. It happens. Can't help :)

        • I remember the hovercraft mission in HL2 definately made me sick. Had to take quite a few breaks to get through it.
          Hoping that Alyx doesn't have me doing the same thing when i get a Quest 3 later in the year…

    • -1

      Love HL1 and HL2. Never bothered with Portals as they appear to just be puzzle games. Am I still silly?

      • They are puzzle games, but HL2 kinda is also. They don't have the plot depth or combat of Hl2, but they have the wit, the world building and atmosphere. Give them a go, Portal 1 is only a few hours, and 2 is a fully fledged game more akin to HL2.

      • +1

        You'll love them.

      • +1

        there's also a lot of comedy in portal.. if you like cynical computer voice humour

      • +1

        It's actually a really good game. Even storywise. That's subjective though. After all these years, you've probably heard about the characters and plot already, but it's still nice to experience it firsthand.

        Puzzles are quite clever, but best to play with mouse and keyboard. You need accuracy and speed. That said, I played the first one 4 times through. The first time was on the PS3, and the fourth was using an Xbox controller.

        Only every played the second game once. I should play that again.

      • sorry to say: you have been silly

  • +11

    Half-Life Complete = $6.

    Half of 6 is three….

    • +9

      HL3 confirmed

      • +3

        yeah for 2045 - it's only been 20 years since Half Life 2

        A brilliant series, I plan to play HL3 in my retirement.

    • $6.02

      HL3 confirmed.

  • +4

    Examples of Valve not being able to count past 2.

    • +4

      They've just left us 4 dead

  • probably worth getting HL 2 for the VR mod

  • Some classics right there

  • runs great on android via source engine

  • Picked up the half life pack and also Black Mesa which is down to $5.90 again. I ran through HL2 on the 360 but never got to play the first game until now and I thought I’d try it with the improved graphics and all good so far on the steam deck oled. Still not quite so good at aiming on the small screen with the thumb sticks but it’s not interfering too much with the experience.

    • Black Mesa is so great for anyone who wants a different HL1 experience

      • Which one would you reccomend as the first playthrough for someone who hasn't played either of them (but has played HL2)

        • Half-Life I reckon

  • +1

    Do we still get the censored version of left for dead 2 in Australia via steam?

    • +1

      There is an official uncensored DLC patch.

      • Thanks. Any Aussie servers still up? (That support it)

        • +1

          Shit loads

  • +4

    I cant find half life 3 in the bundle. No deal.

  • +3

    The true Orange Box

  • I bought the orange box a while back upping my collection of the Half Life series. I bought everything again and now my full collection is complete, haha.

    • Achievement unlocked.

  • +1

    Need them to convert portal 2 for ps5.

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