How to Find Australian Height Datum AHD of Block of Land Im Looking at Purchasing?

Hi fellow OzB'ers,

My wife and I are looking at a particular block of land in a coastal suburb to build in SA. We've been told to find out the AHD (which is the height of a point above the mean sea level for said block) to figure out where the finished floor has to be in regard to height and retaining. How does one find the exact AHD for a particular point, is there national database or website I can refer to? I don't seem to have much luck in finding anything online in that regard and the agent doesn't know squat about it either.



  • Check with the local council. I believe that councils in coastal areas, in SA, compiled a lot of this data with regard to flood potential, a few years ago.

  • Will get you registered survey marks for your area. You would still need to hire a surveyor to then transfer this to your block. It maybe cheaper to get them to confirm the boundaries of your block and to transfer the level and do a level run of your property at the same time.

  • +1

    Is there a survey contained within the contract documentation? If there is it should have spot levels at AHD or at least an RL that you can derive the AHD from.

    • No contract because we haven't purchased the block. The only documentation we have is the Certificate of Title and are awaiting the agent to forward on the Form 1 document. I rang the council, and they told me I'd need a surveyor. I'm just trying to avoid spending money as it's not even my block. Would the form 1 document contain this relevant info?

      • Sorry I was referring to the contract of sale that you get to review and agree prior to purchasing. Our most recent purchase had a copy of the survey, any easements and the title information appended to the contract. We were able to get a copy of this weeks prior to making an offer.

        This is what sounds like a "Form 1 Document" is in SA. It's not a requirement to include a survey, but if they have it the venodr/agent generally would as it supports the other required information in the Form 1 such as easements and covenants. Fingers crossed it has what you need in it.

  • There is which has a huge amount of datasets, although I couldn't see Height Datum specifically but it could be one of the sub-items in the list.

  • You still need to get your surveyor on site, the AHD is just their reference point to calculate the required heights.

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