Has anyone got any experience of attending one of these sessions?
It's a plot of commercial land that is leased out and managed by managing agents.
A few months ago the neighbour requested us to cut down a tree that was within 5m of his dwelling.
At our cost, we removed the tree but the stump stayed.
A new property owner has since taken occupation and is now insisting we pay for the removal of the stump as they are claiming roots have damaged their drains.
As we already believe we have already undergone considerable expense to remove the tree, we don't feel that we should need to do more for a tree that is dead. (stump is in the corner and not in anyone's way, hence we didn't feel a need to remove it or grind it down)
How has your mediation experience gone?
Let the tree live. You're too kind to your neighbours, they should have done their due diligence before buying the place.