UPPAbaby Vista V2

Hi all, first bub on the way in the next few months. Been to all the baby shops kicking tyres the past few weekends and I think we have landed on the UPPAbaby vista v2. The ozbargainer in me is reluctant to pull the trigger without some form of deal but really struggling to find and decent amount of money off.
Baby village seems to be the cheapest at $1600


Baby bunting is $1699 across the board

Was also looking into the babybee rover 3, almost half the price of uppababy but with no store in Melbourne I can’t justify buying without trying it out.

Any deals or advice on how to get money off?


  • Baby Bunting will price match and give you 5% on top. 3 months layby, fingers cross a more appealing discount comes around and then ask BB for another price match.

    Note you cannot cancel once you put the layby down - deposit required followed by fortnightly instalments.


    Honestly though I don't think it'll ever get to the same price as it did before with the 20% stack + price match that brought the whole bundle down to like 1300 which I missed :( . That one was an anomaly.

    Otherwise - well, hunt for 2nd hand.

  • +22

    As a recent parent, my advice is do not buy a $1,600 stroller, you will regret it. Do not buy into the brand hype - an Uppababy functions exactly the same as a sub $1k stroller.

    I bought a Milly & Coup for like $850 and already regret it, as it is nice but functionally no different to an even cheaper one again. It is nice though. They are on sale EOFY if you want to browse:


    • +2

      OP should read this comment.

      We also bought a ~$800 one. Was it great? Absolutely. But you should also look at second hand. When our #2 was on the way, we picked up a second one with extra seat attachments for $350, which after a while lived at the grandparents house (same town) so she could take them for walkies if she wanted.

      Think carefully about what activities you will be doing… Travelling via plane? Get something that packs small and is easy to carry.

      Definitely look second hand, you will save at least 50% (may not get the current model but a previous one). For reference we bought the Baby Jogger City Select. It did everything we needed but is bulky to move on a plane the couple of times we have had to do it.

      Our youngest (#2) is now 3, and we would have used the pram twice in the last 12 months, so consider how long you will be using it. All kids are different though. Good luck!

    • +1

      Buy once, cry once.

    • This. We bought a 2nd hand pram that worked out just fine. The more expensive brands tend to be bulky and heavy making them a pain to get into and out of your vehicle. When my son got older we bought a lightweight stroller, which was great when flying and using public transport. Spend your money on other things for your child - or even to start a super fund for them..

    • you will regret it

      No? See: this thread full of people with no regrets.

      Never once have we regretted our >$1k prams (Uppababy/Bugaboo). Likewise did not regret our $100 FB marketplace pram either, but if I had to have one I'd choose the Uppababy 10x over.

      Parents just need to buy what they can afford. Including getting these top of the line prams second hand.

      an Uppababy functions exactly the same as a sub $1k stroller.

      No? Please link to a pram that supports 2x seats in tandem WITH an enormous basket that carries a whole days worth of baby gear and shopping, for less than $1k new.

  • +6

    We spent like 1900 ish for a vista 1 and minu set back in the day just after vista 2 was release iirc.

    No regrets. Great stroller. Taken it overseas too. If you can afford it great. Otherwise don’t go into (crazy) debt .

    • +1

      I agree, it is a great stroller and you won't be disappointed.

      We tested plenty of strollers at various baby shops before deciding on the Uppababy Vista V2, it was extremely hard to find a deal and only baby bunting did the black ones back then so we had to pay regular price.

      • +2

        Agree with the sentiments above. Have absolutely no regrets, and has seen us through two kids. One of the pluses was the ease of my petite wife to maneuver it in and out of the car given the way it folds and can be pivoted around the waist when lifting. She didn't have the same ease with other full size prams

  • +1

    Keep an eye on CoolKidz instagram - they are the distributer and often have good deals or run out colours.

    I've got the original Vista, best money I spent. We walk rough forest tracks every week and it is fine, the basket underneath is huge for the shops. The only downside is if you have a small car, it's pretty hefty. I've sung its praises in a previous post a while back if you're interested.

    There will always be people who will say there is something cheaper which is equivalent, I'd just liken it to buying a car, something that suits them doesn't suit you and vice versa.

  • +6

    we grew up fine using the basic ones from kmart / etc back in the 1980s.not sure why people need to spend more then a few hundred for these.

    • how much storage under the kmart ones?

      • +3

        what do you need to carry that our parents didnt carry back then?
        phone? thats a 100g, the nappies, formula and other stuff are all the same or less then in the 80s as items as more efficient.

  • +8

    second hand only. let another sucker pay new price

    • Definitely a good idea if you can find one, although the issue is finding one that isn't 5+ years old 2nd hand. Most parents will keep their strollers/prams for at least 5+ years if having multiple children

      • i see.
        i had multiple children.

  • +1

    Have you looked at Jengo at Baby Hunting?
    I found it a mirror copy of Vista 2 for half the price.

  • +4

    It is by far the best pram and worth every penny. I've got one and it's excellent and you wont regret it.

    • What age do they grow out of it? Is it per the advertised 4?
      I just noticed with the babybee duo3 ( vista equivalent) people have said their children grew out of the seat before 1.

      • +1

        Can’t comment on this brand specifically but in general most kids don’t outgrow it physically but psychologically. So based on this I’d say around age 2. Many simply don’t want to go in a pram anymore and prefer to walk. We were 80% walking and shopping trolleys by 18 months. If you have a second kid they might use it. Also people become very into light weight travel strollers one their kid is bigger, babyzen yo-yo is the ultimate here.

      • +1

        We had both the basenet and stroller seat. So far no issues. Id probably agree with 4 years and they will be too big for it. But 4 years isn't too bad for usage.

  • +1

    The v3 is out soon (this year sometime I believe) but I’m not sure what the differences are- yet to watch a video on it.

    The v2 has been out since 2019/2020 so best to get a good deal on Marketplace to save some money, and buy new or used (like new) bassinet/pram seat etc if you want it to be fresher/newer

    Compare it to the budget prams to make sure you’re getting the value you want out of it.

    Also double check the configuration for use as a double pram if you’re having more than one child.

    I really liked the v2 vista except for a few quite bad design flaws : the bassinet and toddler seat cannot be set up so the bassinet is facing the parent pushing, it’s only for the bottom level I think. Also when configured for 2 kids front facing, the second seat (rumble seat) isn’t as cushioned/same quality as the main seat, and has a lower weight capacity (15kg I think, still decent but less than the main seat), and a child who sits on the top seat will have there feet brush/press/kick the hood of the bottom seat which might dirty/wear it out.

    If you’re spending big bucks, compare other brands like bugaboo and Redsbaby etc make sure the multi configurations work out for you if you’re planning to use it as a double pram.

    So far, we’ve got our toddler in our single pram (Babyzen yoyo2) and our 8mo in a Ergobaby carrier

    Yet to find a double pram that ticks all the boxes and is a must have. Will have to buy a double pram when our youngest gets bigger

    • Thanks for your review, really helpful. Kind of confirms what I was thinking, not really ideal for a baby and toddler. Which leaves me leaning towards a rover 3 or Cruz. Thanks again

      • I think the v2 is great but has a few downsides. I might actually end up buying it. But definitely need to compare with the competition and make sure I know what compromise I’m making.

        Also, how terrible of me- most importantly- congratulations!!!!! Bloody exciting and I hope baby and mum are healthy you all are doing well.

      • +1

        have the cruz v1, it's great, solid, using it now with our second. used it a lot with our first who doesn't like to walk much. got a skateboard thing for him, but he prefers to lie in the basket underneath when tired. or we carry the baby instead and throw him on it. or we bring the travel pram as well when we expect to do a lot of walking.

      • we had the Cruz for the past 4 years, it was about 800 from baby bunting back then, imho it was worth every penny! It was much cheaper then the Vista as it didn't include the bassinet, but we managed fine just with the included snug seat - you can do an almost full recline. Plus Cruz was lighter and slightly smaller, which was a bonus when partner is on her own taking it in/out of the boot.

        later on we bought a barely used second hand kick board ("piggyback" in uppababy marketing lingo), our 4 y.o. uses the board all the time when she gets tired, and an almost new travel bag for like $30 that we used a few times when travelling.

        if you can afford to get brand new uppababy without going into debt, get the new one. I know it will be controversial around here, and we thought long and hard about it back in the days, but even looking at it now, I definitely not regret getting a quality new cot & mattress, pram and car seats.

    • It can be setup to be both bassinet and toddler seat facing the parent. The rumble seat is the same as the main seat except the leg rest is not adjustable (up/down).

      Here are the configuration options from the manual: https://uppababy.com/au/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/02/2…

  • I bought an uppababy vista v2 and replaced it with a bugaboo fox once I decided I wasn't going to have another baby really soon. You need to factor in the price for the rumble seat too if you plan to use the vista with 2 children. A skateboard attached to a cruz/fox/any other single pram should be adequate if you plan to have a 2 year+ gap between children imo.
    The cruz is a steal in comparison to the vista and virtually the same pram (without the ability to convert to a double pram)

    • Thanks, you are right. Better off getting a smaller pram to start with.

      • +1

        In my experience, I wouldn’t rely on a single pram +skateboard attachment as my go too- only because I want both kids secured so I can step away from the pram if I need too e.g kids in the pram on the sidewalk and I go to the car to get something. Don’t need to worry about toddler running off esp onto the road. Or even two kids in the pram while you step away and try on a hoodie at the shops or grab something off the shelf etc.

        Definitely makes it easier to take both kids out and not worry as much if it’s just 1 parent

  • +2

    Buy Second hand!

  • I borrowed a full-size redsbaby pram and used it for a few months before getting a Redsbaby Skip2 (or any other travel pram) which is the only thing I'll use now.

    I hate how bulky and heavy prams are, much prefer travel prams.

  • We originally had Redsbaby Metro 2 ($300 off Marketplace), then switched to the UPPAbaby Vista Double when we had our second one ($400 off Marketplace in good condition). I don't see why these need to be bought new if they are in good condition and you give them a thorough clean.

    Quality of the UPPAbaby is solid overall, though I liked that the Redsbaby was more compact / light.

  • The vista is big and a v3 is coming so I’d wait if I can. We bought a Cruz v2 as we won’t have a second kid. Bany direct usually have the best price /bundles https://baby-direct.com.au/collections/uppababy/products/upp…

  • +2

    Facebook marketplace.
    I just bought a 2021 Cruz V2 for $350 and a practically unused bassinet for another $50.

    I didn't mind spending one afternoon of some cleaning and greasing up the wheels to save $900.

  • Hi there
    Congrats on your new bub! As a mom of two young children, I don't see value of spending $1500 in pram now if I look back. I made the same mistake of overspending when I had my first. We got a Vistababy Cruz for close to $1100 at one of the baby shows in Melbourne. It's a great pram I had a admit. But I don't see the value of buying a vista. Too bulky to push but I guess it's lighter than Bungaboo.

  • +1

    Baby hi5 in Bentleigh is a local store that’s usually priced below the bigger ones.

    Vista is pretty handy, we have a small travel one as well but prefer the Vista

  • OP if you're in Melbourne, might be worthwhile checking out the PBC expo this weekend (6-7 July) to pick up one (on the last day) if you're wanting one brand new. We got our Cruz V2 for like 20% off at the expo a couple of year ago.

    From experience, we ended up using the full sized prams a lot less due to the huge effort in lugging them into/ from the car (it makes sense if it's just for daily strolls around the house or nearby place). We eventually bought a Joolz Aer and that became our daily use instead.

  • Babybee (as well as Milly and coup) have a showroom in Yarraville - U3/260 Whitehall St, Yarraville VIC 3013
    Great price but the folding mechanism would've made it hard for my wife to load/unload from our car. Ended up buying the Fox 5 - we had Baby Bunting price beat the cheapest competitor (saleslady also entered a cheaper price by mistake) so we ended up getting about a 300 discount - coupled that with a few vouchers we got from our gender reveal/baby shower/work congratulations, we paid about $400 out of pocket.

  • +1

    I bought the Vista V2 and while its a great pram if I did it again I'd probably go for a good 2nd hand one. Given its so well made if you can find a nice used one that'd be a great saving and I think you'd be just as happy.

  • Buy it online and use Cash Rewards for a bit of cashback. We bought ours online, at the time they had a deal i think it was spend 1500+ and get $200 off. You can try and buy one second hand but I couldn't find one that wasn't 5+ years old,

  • Buying second-hand is an easy decision to make IMO. There are a steady stream of second-hand prams being offloaded all the time on FB Marketplace.

    Same goes for second-hand baby clothes. Quite often they’re being given away for free or for very cheap in bundles - with many items never having been worn or worn only once.

    You will save thousands getting stuff second hand.

    Your friends/family will also buy your bub plenty of things too. My wife and I hardly had to buy anything for our first kid in the first 3 years of his life.

  • Unless you need to carry two infants, the Cruz is all you need. We have the Alta (since renamed Cruz) and it has lasted 8 years of daily use without a single issue. At the time, the Alta was ~$799 and worth every penny. Has outlasted all friends/family Bugaboos etc.

  • Used mine for nearly 9 years and is rock solid, currently on the marketplace with all the accessories - if you want a cheap one.

    If you have 2 kids or planning for 2, you won't regret the cost - but the full set with adaptors, extra seat etc… will come close to 2k.

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