[PC, Steam] Battlefield 2042 $8.99 (90% off) @ Steam


This is the biggest discount for one of the most improved and fun gaming experiences I've had in a while!

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  • +6

    Still overpriced for a franchise killer.

    • +1

      Ooh please explain, I've been out of the giving a crap about Battlefield realm for ages. πŸ™

      • +2

        Oh wow, your really behind if you don't know much about this release.

        It was absolutely trash to the point they release the game that Testers/Game Influencers whatever you want to call them advised them that needed a whole lot of fixes too.

        • Sounds like excellent reasons to not but it even at this price.

    • -1

      No it isn't, it's a great game now. Don't punish them for improving it.

      • That doesn't negate what I said. It did kill the franchise. A high percentage of seasoned battlefield players left shortly after the game was released. They won't be coming back. EA tell too many lies.

  • Limited amount of maps and weapons, gets boring real fast

    • Last time I logged In which was maybe about two months ago, the weapons library seemed pretty good. No where near as bf3 or 4 but still, I think they've come a long way from launch. You'll definitely get your funs worth of $8.99 and more imo

      • +2

        BF2042 is on season 7 updates and with each season seems to get more weapons and maps.

        It was very limited at launch but has come a long way, its got more weapons than BF4 now but still has like half the maps (if you exclude portal maps which are just remakes of old maps).

  • +4

    This was a complete dumpster fire of a game at launch, but they have massively improved the performance, restored some sort of class system on top of the hero system and with the remastering of old maps feels somewhat like a true successor to the BF3/4 era. I’ve been looking laying it heaps lately, it’s really good now.

    • No single player campaign though, correct? Really enjoyed the previous Battlefield single player campaigns, so it's a bummer they left that out.

      • +2

        It's only multiplayer maps. The first Battlefield game i believe which introduced multiplayer only. It's one of the reasons why the game was so hated at launch. There's no single player campaign at all. So having no active internet connection means no playing the game at all.

        • That is not a reason it was hated at launch at all. The buggy, unfinished, boring, mess of a game is why it was hated. Bots, no server browser, etc..
          Had nothing to do with no campaign.

      • Oh my days… I think I'm morally opposed to multi only games πŸ˜‚ then again I really love boomerang fu with the kids… πŸ€”

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