Suggestions for furniture shopping

Hi all,

I'm looking for a few decent/reputable furniture stores online. Basically I want to pick up a small TV/entertainment unit/table for my living room but I dont want to spend my lifes savings on it although I do want something that is fairly good quality.

I was going to go for something at Fantastic Furniture, but I'm really not sure I'm impressed with the quality of their stuff as its not really designed to be moved more than once. I say this from experience.

Of course I understand you get what you pay for, but I have also noticed some things wear a massive price tag and turn out to be just as poor quality.

So if anyone has any advice for furniture shopping, that would be much appreciated. :)


  • Buy used, good quality, real timber furniture off ebay/gumtree/trading post/local papers etc IMHO. Looks great, lasts longer & most people take care of good stuff so you're probably gonna get it good as new but under half-price! ;)

    99.99% of the new stuff you get from most chain stores nowadays is just chipboard junk you wouldn't even bother taking home! :/

    • +1
      I've bought a solid wood extension table with 6 upholstered chairs for $200, a 3 and 2 seater leather couch for $600, a Pine Study desk for $25 all from Gumtree.
      The Dining table and Study Desk has some dents and scratches, but they'll still last our lifetime and the Sofas look brand new.

  • +1

    As somebody that has sold furniture on eBay before, you will get a bargain. Nobody pays much for 2nd hand!

  • Quick note on fantastic: some of their stuff is actually ok, or at least was a few years back, but a lot of it isn't.

  • Thanks guys, some great advise here. I'll have a look around for some good 2nd hand furniture. :)

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