La Marzocco Linea Micra + 6 Months Free Coffee Subscription $5099.15 Delivered @ La Marzocco Home


I have been searching for a decent home espresso machine for a while and found that LA Marzocco is doing its end of year sale again however ends in only 2 days at the time of this post.

They had similar offer last year for $5999 however it was bundled with a grinder and with 12 months subscription and I gave it a pass because I didn't like the grinder and too much trouble to resell.

Most of the colors are still available except stainless steel is OOS and white is on back order.

I am just a beginner so ain't qualified to provide any advise but I was at one stage thinking to go with the Lelit bianca V3 for its $1k cheaper price tag, more modern looking (subjective) and comes with flow control (AFAIK this is pretty much the only function that the LMLM doesn't offer in comparison), but the LMLM has better built quality, and has the ability to pull more shots continuously, and better access to parts.

PS. It could be my browser but I am not able to see the same price from PC, only from mobile. The 6 months free coffee subscription is also not mentioned during the entire purchase process but just mentioned on the offer page, hence maybe take it with a grain of salt, but I will argue with LM if it's not honored.

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  • Jeez use to get a linea mini for this price!

    • I heard, and nowadays 2nd hand mini is selling for 6,7,8k on market place…

      • I would look at other brands.. May as well go a Arduino eagle one.

        The LM tax is real people.. this is a $2500 machine.

  • gs3 mp is the dream

  • What's these coffee machine? For a coffee shop?

    • +2

      You wouldn't want to visit a coffee shop with this machine

      • +3

        I rarely want to visit a coffee shop and I've only got a bes920

        • +2

          I’d be willing to wait 10 minutes for a $3 coffee out of a bes in this economy ngl. Beats 7/11 for $2.

          • @turkz1: Get a 7/11 account and your coffee will be $1.50.

        • +1

          Same here with bes920 and thought no need to upgrade

          • +3

            @Imposter: Same here but with a Bambino Plus

            With that said, I'd love to have a La Marzocco machine in my kitchen if I had the means

      • There would be nothing left in the account, to visit anyways :-D

    • +2

      too small for coffee shop, buy for your office, and eventually write it off and use at home, or you just have lots of money and want one at home and make coffee for the hot babe in your bed so she doesn’t have to get dressed leave the house to get a decent coffee, some people pay that for a bike. I have a rancilio commercial single group in garage and now use breville double boiler as it heats up quicker and less space.

    • This machine cannot pull the constant shots required for a coffee shop, although it does recover quite quickly.

      • If I had that kind of money I would buy a commercial coffee machine (maybe it's possible for the same money or a bit more).

        • +1

          Commercial coffee machines are
          -Require funky power
          -Take forever to heat up

          Horses for courses

  • +4

    Stop driving up inflation goddamit a 5K home espresso maker are you for real?

    • +11

      Hey look at the bright side, whoever bought this, they are 5k short on their disposible income to be spent on other CPI driving items such as eating out, domestic travel etc. This can actually help lowering CPI!

  • +2

    Ozbargainers drink 7-11 coffee for $0.5 on the App or free with a cheap fuel lock price (during the promo period)

    • +1

      Ozbargainers are so tight they don’t have properly functioning tastebuds too…hence why they can tolerate that cheap cr@p

      • +1

        true ozbargainers have a drawer full of blend 43 packets that they've swiped from various places

        • And sugars too!

  • damn if only the tax cuts came in a bit earlier would have bought one.

  • +3

    LM machine is renowned for a boiler leak in NSW (water quality) and the boiler replacement cost is like $2,000 (based on LM Linea classic 2group) plus call out and repair fee. Would consider the maintenance costs for potential buyers.

    • +3

      Name checks out

    • +2

      I thought water quality here was pretty good (if nothing else, it tastes pretty good)? I've noticed people elsewhere in the world seem to fret about hardness a lot more

      • +2

        NSW is big. Sydney water is on a good side. But still going to build up scale without proper filtering.

        • Interesting. I've been thinking about getting an undersink filter but haven't gone down that rabbithole yet

          • @beltdrive: I am there now… :)
            Few years ago after seeing scale buildup coming out from Breville during descaling cycle I started researching.
            Ended up sending water sample to Bombora Supplies. By the way results were pretty close to what Sydney water was publishing for my area.
            Anyway, was recommend using Brita Purity C Finest for stainless steel boiler machine.

            Surprisingly the water tastes much better - every single person I asked was able to identify the filtered one in blind test.

      • +2

        It’s more about a certain mineral containment in the water that makes the boiler metal erodes and eventually makes a hole to leak. If the boiler was made of stainless steel (some major brands have adopted) no issue.

        • Interesting - thanks

        • I was told stainless steel boilers are sensitive to chlorine/fluorine and these has to be filtered out too.

    • I believe they use stainless steel boilers instead of copper. Fine, but impossible to weld once mineralised inside.

    • +1

      Not sure why you would be using a LM machine without a proper filter. I use a C150 Finest with mine and have no issues.

      LMu uses a stainless steel boiler too

  • +1

    Got mine a week ago. Very happy. No regrets. Paired with Eureka Mignon Specialita.

  • +1

    I would like to try a side by side taste of coffee from this machine vs those Breville’s for $400-$800.

    Besides bragging rights or to impress other people, I don’t think there will be much difference.

    • Paired with a decent grinder it's not even a contest

      Source: I own a Mazzer Robur grinder and a choice of ECM Mechanika or La Pavoni
      Girlfriend has a Breville with inbuilt grinder (forget the model but it was more than 800)

      • +1

        With the same grinder and the Breville 920 / dual boiler, would you be able to notice the difference?
        Otherwise, it's the grinder that makes all the difference.

        • -2

          Yes, 100%.

          Just like the fact that the Pavoni pulls better shots than the ECM, they are both far better than a cheap Breville

    • Same grinder, same beans. I would say not much difference. And many people won't be able to tell the difference. I say this as someone who had a BES920 and currently has a LMu.

      I personally notice. But if you have a heavy milk based coffee then maybe not. Hell, some people can't tell the difference between a terrible coffee and an amazing one.

      Steaming is way faster with the LMu and I personally get better microfoam. But that's a skill issue not a machine issue.

  • +3

    Each to their own, but I'll be getting the Lelit Bianca. Far more features, cheaper, every review I've seen comparing it and Linea Mini says get the Bianca. The build quality difference is blown out of proportion. The Bianca isn't bad, the Linea is just a tank.

    • And even if you did have an issue with the Bianca, Lelit part availability in Australia is excellent

      • Lelit is glorified Breville. :)

        Haha, joking.
        Lelit is good. I am surprised Lelit parts availability is improved already - I saw people expecting it since Breville acquired Lelit but I was under impression this hasn't happened yet.

        • I'm just speaking from my experience - when I had a combi I could always get the part I needed from Jetblack without wait times. Not sure if that's universal though.

          I am excited to see if Breville and Lelit collaborate on a machine though

    • +1

      I agree with what you said and for me it is a tough choice.
      I landed on the LMLM because of its history and simplicity and that I dont think I will do anything more than spending 15mins in the morning for a nice cup of coffee. But for those willing to go down the rabbit hole, the flow control is so important.
      The 1k difference is neglecgible if it is going to be a 20yr machine but thats just me trying to convice my CFO for the approval.

      • LM is the Ferrari of the coffee machine world. It's a status symbol. You'll be happy in either case. I like to tinker, the Bianca will keep me happy.

  • +3

    That’s about 3399 7 eleven coffees using the app 😵‍💫
    If you get one every day that’s about 9 years and 4 months.

    • This machine will be making the equivalent of your $5+ cafe coffees

      • +2

        So it is pretty average then. :)))

      • -2

        Okay so you’ll need a $1000 grinder with these I believe, then say $1 for beans for each coffee. That will make it worth for a $4 a coffee. So that’s about 1500 coffees, and that’s about 4 years worth. And these machines come with a warranty of 2 years so that’s a risky spend with the value you’re getting 🤔

        • Yeah you're right. If you're purely looking to break even and the machine breaks down after 2 years to the point where it's not repairable, it's not worth it for you.

          • @nyanning: 2 year warranty is very disappointing for the price. My breville had a 2y warranty (mind you I had to use it 3 times). I would not expect a La Marzocco to be disposable after 2years though (I'd expect more like 20! not without servicing though), so the maths above doesnt really check out.

  • This is a great machine and coffee. You can't compare this to the 7-11.

    I also suggest the Jura serviced machine sale.

  • +1

    For those that want to get it plumbed in, expect to pay an additional 1-1.5k for their "certified" tech to install.
    Quite a few pissed micra owners out there that found out later.

  • +1

    I appreciate good coffee, how do I justify this to my wife (she only drinks coffee occasionally) instead of buying coffee outside?

    I got the Gozney and it's ROI has paid itself off big time.

    However this coffee machine…. coffee is $5, but let's just say $4.50 to account for quality beans costs. That's 1,111 coffees to return i.e. about 4 years assuming not drinking every single day. I assume there are other costs such as maintenance?

    Also would need a quality grinder to match.

    How many years should this machine last assuming a coffee a day?

    Would it last say over 15 years so that by going past year 4/5 it's all gain?

    • +3

      Are you saying $4.50 worth of beans per coffee? Should be a lot less

      Making a latte using OzB favourite Inglewood coffee beans

      $42/kg on subscription (usually $30 is easy to find on sale every couple of months)
      18g for TWO shots of coffee
      9gm per coffee
      1000gm / 9 =
      111 coffees per 1kg
      $42 / 111 = 37c worth of beans for 1 latte.

      $4 for 2L of milk
      $2 per L
      125ml of milk steamed for a latte
      $2 x .0125 = 25c of milk for a latte.

      62c for a cafe quality latte.

      $5 - 0.62 = $4.38 saving per coffee.
      2 coffees per day - $8.76 saved
      $6000 investment in a LMLM - 684 days before break even.
      not accounting for servicing and parts replacement


      Breville Dual boiler + grinder ($1500?)
      171 days before payback. Still well within warranty. Thats the case you need to pitch to the CFO

      Someone correct my maths if need be

      btw I too have earned back the cost of my basic ooni many times over. Now Im trying to justify the cost of an upgrade to an Arc XL or Dome…

  • +2

    Coffee is a consumable to some, a hobby to others. Weighing up the cost benefit can be good input to the decision, but it's not really an input considered by the hobbyist.

    • +2

      Why drive a Merc when a Kia gets me A to B?
      Why play a Gibson when an Epiphone looks and sounds almost the same?
      Why wear Rolex when Seiko looks so simliar and tells the time just as well?

      The LMLM is another example of premium product with diminishing returns, but its undeniably "better" and more desirable

  • +4

    I have one of these. I went from a BES920 to it. I had a single dose modded Specialita and now use a Timemore 78s

    Reasons why I went the nicer machine
    Had a nice pay raise
    Was making alot of coffee at home due to WFH
    Rotary pump machines have more consistent pressure
    Rotary pump machines are quieter, especially for WFH
    The BES920 was always bought knowing it would eventually break. I wanted to upgrade before it broke.

    Compared to other dual boiler rotary machines:
    Wife likes how it looks
    Smaller than the Bianca and Pro700 and ECM Sync, which the wife liked because this would use up her kitchen counter space
    Heatup is much faster, and we like to turn the machine off and not leave it on the whole day. I also like to wake up and turn it on with my phone. By the time I brush my teeth and wee, it's heated up. I don't wake up the same time every day so I don't have a routine time for it to turn on.
    Water reservoir location (we can't plumb that spot). Bianca just hangs off the back/side and looks like an add on. Pro700/Sync have to remove all the cups from the top to refill
    Saturated head vs E61: well this probably doesn't matter much but it's a wank factor
    Ease of cleaning cycle. Coming from a BES920, I liked how you just set it up and it has a cleaning cycle that runs for you
    I don't care for flow control. There's already so many variables to a coffee that I don't want to add yet another. And everyone I know with flow control like to play with it initially and then stop playing with it.
    It's built like a tank. It feels even more solid than a Sync.

    Also the huge wank factor of having a LM.

    Seriously the BES920 is an awesome bit of kit. Be happy if you own one since they can produce a ripper coffee. But there's more machines with more advantages, but there's definitely diminishing returns.

    • How do you find the timemore? I'm strongly considering a 078 for pour over, but could be tempted by a dual purpose 078s for both

      • I like it, but haven't tried it for pour over yet.

        Seems to be nice and consistent. I bought mine when it was still being crowdfunded. I'm not sure I'd get it at the current price

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