If an Internet connection can't attain the speed offered by a plan, are providers compelled to allow customers to drop down to cheaper lower speed plans or leave without penalty?
I'm about to move. Searches confirm the address has FTTN. Providers' online checks claimed that the attainable speed was barely adequate for NBN25 plans but then ceased reporting that. I presume the previous occupant has since moved out and the modem's been disconnected.
Mobile home Internet appears to be unavailable at the address from any providers :-(
I'd like to try my luck at higher speed plans first before looking at alternatives. I'm OK to sacrifice a month's service fee if necessary but don't want to pay too much more than that. I can BYO modem and would be happy to bundle with electricity if there's any benefit. And, prefer online sign up without needing to waste time on phone hold to speak to a salesperson.
Yes, in my experience if you speed is significantly different they are fairly cooperative. Even so most nbn providers seem to have no contracts now and just require 30 days notice.