So I've just signed up to a Kogan repaid mobile plan where I'm allocated 17GB a month on their 12 moth Medium plan.
I used to be on the Boost plan where I got 12GB a month.
I averaged about 12-13gb a month actually on the boost plan, but on the kogsn one, three weeks in and I have no data, and am prompted to upgrade or buy an add on pack.
I don't know whether to call them and cancel and try to get a partial refund, or suck it up?
I had to buy $10 extra credit and envision this happening every month.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I've been with Kogan a month now.
For the past 7 months I've been living at a unit with really bad reception, I'm not sure if Kogan constantly tries reload things in a way that burns more data?
If so is there a setting I can switch off in my mobile?
I'd notice that even with Boost, I would try and send an email, and due to poor reception, I'd find that through the night there it would actually send out 5 copies of same.
But still with Boost I was using 12-13gb a month.
No but I have good Vodafone coverage in my area. What I have poor coverage for is Optus, and like what you're describing whenever I use a provider on the Optus network I burn through data at almost twice the rate of Telstra or Vodafone eventhough my activity online is unchanged.