High Risk Travel Insurance for "Do Not Travel" Advisory

Hi everyone, I'm planning a trip to Lebanon soon, but I've run into a major hurdle.

Due to the current "do not travel" advisory issued by the government, I'm having a hard time finding a travel insurance company that will cover me. See:

I understand the risks involved, but this trip is really important to me. Does anyone have any recommendations for travel insurance providers that might still offer coverage for Lebanon under these circumstances?

Any advice or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • +8

    You'll have to do what's called self-insurance

    • +1

      if the trip is very important to you, then self-insurance is the way

  • +7

    The region is on the verge of armed conflict with forces assembling across the border from both sides. This could take months or even years with airports closed and general movement very difficult.

    Insurance companies aren't our friends, they hedge their bets on risk/reward situations to make money. There's no money in covering this situation should war erupt so expected not to be covered.

    Smart choice would be sit tight in relative safety and avoid travel. If you insist on going, then it'll be on your own risk. Make sure you have a Plan B in place just in case.

    • -1

      Well, we the taxpayer will always there to send repatriation flights to bring OP back home if sh*t hits the fan which increasingly looks like it will.

  • +7

    This clause exists for pretty much every policy:

    What you are not covered for

    Any claim arising out of war, civil war, invasion, insurrection, revolution, use of or threatened use of military power, usurpation of government or military power.

    The travel advisory is also at Level 4 (the highest). Even if you are able to purchase an insurance and you don't specify Lebanon as your destination, any claims that you make (for travel disruptions/ losses) will be instantly rejected due to the war clause and you'll just be wasting your money on an insurance that you can't claim anyway.

    • Yes, unfortunately that's what I came across and was very much stuck. But the good people of Ozbargain seem to have delivered some options! I'm greatful for this community

  • +2

    Unfortunately coverage in any traditional sense is unlikely. 5 years ago, at least, Lebanon was on the UN sanctioned countries list and I don't know if that's been lifted.

    Travelling to a do not travel country counts as ignoring an official warning. Lebanon has what is best described as a pre existing condition likely to result in a claim.

    There do appear to be policies available from sources outside Australia but caveat Hezbollah….

    The Smart traveller site doesn't day it but you wouldn't be getting rescued by the Oz government.

    And you'd be likely to have significant local interest in you once you were there and constant interest in you once you returned. Not that any government would comment on its intelligence operations, particularly Hezbollah….

    Some research reveals that IATI may cover insurance to Lebanon but I am not a licensed Guerilla and any information contained herein should not be substituted for formal and qualified legal advice. I lost royalties from Sonny for years and just because I can straddle a battleship does not mean I can get you into the harbour.

    • +2

      Edit: even IATI says if there's any type of armed conflicts, declared or not, yr not covered.

      This is why most war photographers etc go in with "operators" but know they might not come out. All know their government isn't going to do a thing.

      Otherwise, with no backing of a team and expecting government or private help, You'd be saying, in effect, my reason for the trip was more important than the life of a rescuer.

      • +1

        Thank you! Appreciate your input and efforts looking into this, unfortunately the poor country has been in a state of conflict for years. I'm more concerned with the travel or accidental medical coverage than anything relating to the conflict. I appreciate your efforts and I'll make sure to read the PDS more clearly or contact them directly for clarification

        • +2

          Of the many sad stories that have come from awful times since the empires, Lebanon rates up there amongst the highest. A beautiful place with even more beautiful people, carved up and played with by powers to build new empires, and treating innconent humans like fodder.
          Unfortunately the conflict itself can be used against you in terms of insurance….the burden of proof would be on you proving whatever happened has nothing to do with anything. I also know it's difficult because you have to have travel insurance to get into the country.

          I do want to urge caution. Any future travel after this gets called into question - so places where you don't need visas might suddenly stop you at the border and say you need a visa. You're also likely to be asked a lot of questions when you return and possibly have to deal with surveillance.

          But going in aware of this is better than going in blind. If I had to guess I'd say you have family and it's been too long and Beirut especially is doing it tough. It's just the south is about to go to war, we're really in the third Intifada, your entry point to the country is going to be from…where? Syria? Israel? Flights are going to dry up soon.

          So….go gently and carefully.

  • +1

    Well, good luck

  • +3

    Is the trip more important than your life?

    • +2

      Gotta renew cheap Adobe subscription.

  • +2

    Have a look at:
    (this can change and be updated, check with the Insurer).

    That said, you can request a quote via:

    You may need to select: https://hotspotcover.com/israel-palestine
    or even

    The Insurance Premium (if offered) will reflect the risk.

    Stay safe.

    • +1

      Thank you kindly! This looks like a great option, I'll make sure to read the PDS in more detail before committing. Appreciate you looking into this and your kind words

    • I would love to know what the premium will end up being. Probably more than the trip

  • If an insurance company is saying no then maybe rethink if this is a good idea.

    They operate based on risk, and they've deemed it too risky.

    Also, insurance doesn't magically protect you from being murdered, blown up or worse, you know that right?

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