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[Resolved] Work Is Trying to Force Me to Change Locations - What Are My Options?

Last edited 25/06/2024 - 16:42 by 1 other user
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Security guard? Business premises? Shift?
@JimmyJohnson: Security can be stable or quite a transient job.
Do you work directly for that site or an outside security firm that has multiple sites?
What does your employment contract say about your work location/s?
Why do they want you to move? Do you have a union?
So, who would do your job at present location?
(or do they want you to do "your Job" elsewhere)What does your employment agreement say?
Many moons ago - I did work in security …
Generally speaking (of years past) - unless it was "specifically" written in agreement … "That you were at a specific site" …
You were essentially employed by said company and could be working at any number of the sites that the company has contracts with.
Saying that - they can't just up and move you … They need to give notice (which sounds like company may be doing).
How many weeks notice did they give?
1 hour extra commute (each way) does also sound within realms of "reasonable relocation".If you REALLY like that worksite +++ get on well with others … Another option is to reach out to manager there (that you know well) …
Possibly a career change is in the cards ???
If have been there 5+ years you've probably made a positive impression on afew ppl.Just saying.
@JimmyJohnson: If you are given shifts each week (+ which site will be working at each week) … Then sorry.
Please do check your employment agreement you signed - but by sounds of things == more and more, that points to - your not tied to any particular site.
What does the contract say?
Is it a temporary move or permanent?
You will need to have a look at your contract to see what you have agreed to. Have a look at the reasonableness of any conditions regarding changing work locations. If you feel that it is not reasonable, speak to your company to see if they can do anything else such as a site nearer or compensation for extra travel time and costs? Other than that accept it or look for a new job?
Unless it's unreasonable, but commuting 1 hour to and from isn't unreasonable in today's standards unless you have no means of a car or public transport is not an option or you have some disability that the new site can't cater for.
Remember, a contract can't be worse off than the law. You can try research the law regarding relocation and try find a loop hole, but if they drawn up the contract correctly, unfortunately you have to go to the new site unless the company and you agree to something.
Depends how much they need you. If they really need you, just say you are resigning and then negotiate your terms when they try to retain you. If they don't actually need you that much they'll just let you go though, so act wisely…
You are lucky you have a job.
The job market is a joke these days, many people don’t want to work because they think they are worth more than they are or are lazy (in more generalised fields - not corporate/professional/health type jobs).
With the amount of work available to an open minded and willing person, it is quite easy to find a job. So, not really luck.Dont, know why people are so finicky and choosy about it.
Because you spend a large portion of your life there and adding 2 hours a day is hideous.
I travel daily 90 minutes one way on public transport.
That’s gross, but if it works for you so be it.
But for someone doing security, screw that. Plenty of other work around closer by.
"what are my options?" - main option is to just resign and show you are serious about the issue
but have a job to go to before you resign.
Take stress leave and look for another job, then resign.
You work security, meaning you can work at any of the client sites. Why should it always be close to you?
So i guess you have two options
Find another job?
Second one sounds easier and would get you the bargaining power to go back to them and force their hand.
Depends how easily you could be replaced.
The key issue is how far apart are the company sites? Your employer may consider a one-off relocation allowance but they may also choose to do nothing. I worked for an employer who moved their premises 30km. They offered nothing, simply did an internal assessment on who would likely leave and who would stay. It's possible they made a secret/private arrangement with key people.
Get them to give you a redundancy.
A change is as good as a holiday and it sounds like you need a holiday.
Your only real option, if you want to keep the job, is to obey.
What sort of work