This was posted 8 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Switch] Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX $4.50 (85% off) @ Nintendo eShop


Lowest price ever for this remake of the classic Alex Kidd


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  • +1

    Never even knew this remake existed.

    How does it compare to the original?
    Same game, just updated graphics?

    • +9

      Yep, you literally can press a button ingame to toggle between old school and new school graphics.

      Be warned (or you probably already know), the game is hard

      • Thats pretty cool.

      • So hard. I never could beat the final level.

    • 2 modes - original graphics and then updated one you can switch too ^^ physical copy is cool. Comes with a nice sega book. Hard to justify for like $40 more though

      • +1

        Easy to justify when online services inevitably go down later on.

    • +2

      You can dynamically switch between the old graphics and new graphics. It's basically the same game with some cut scenes and vastly upgraded graphics.

      • How do you swap? Is there a button combo for switch ??

        • From memory I think it was ZL (L2)

        • +1

          ZL to switch to old then ZR to switch back to new

  • +12


    • +7

      ✌️- ✋ - ✊!!

      • +5

        5yr old Me never realised that the rock paper scissors wasn't actually a pattern..

        i always changed mine at the last second

        • Haha me too lol


  • Never played this back in the day, came to it with this remake on the Switch (previous sale) to appreciate what many report is a classic and a big nostalgic morsel..

    Really struggled with it. The remake retains that old-style unforgivable difficulty that the arcade era / 80s / early 90s games had. It's short…very short, without much cause for replayability. Gameplay just didn't feel fun at any time. The character and bosses and story just felt unmemorable and lame.

    Man, I wish I had experienced this at the time, I want to understand why people hold it dear…

    • +1

      I don't hold it dear but it does itch major nostalgia for me, being built in to the console all the demo's in the shops would be playing this game in the window, being poor watching the demo was how I got to experience the newest game.

    • Don't be shit. This is a masterpiece. I'm not affected by nostalgia at all. I promise.

    • +4

      The only time my father came to any school events/functions was when I was in year 2…to tell me that he rescued his brother in the castle.

      Dad had to ring the SEGA help line ($5pm) to get the code for the final puzzle level.

      From memory it was aimed at the Japanese market and written left to right (up/down). We definitely wouldn’t have worked that out pre-Internet days haha

  • +7

    How cool! I can't remember the exact game but remember I had it (built-in?) on my Master System II.

    • +4

      Yep that's it. Man the hours I spent trying to get passed the jungle level and then the few times I got through it the next level got me. And that was only like halfway through the game if that.
      Replayed it on retropie later in life so I could reminisce (and quick save). Only then did I realise how hard it would have been to beat without save state's.
      I'm glad that it lives on

    • +6

      It was Miracle Word that was built into the MS2.

      • +1

        Also built into later versions of the MS as well. A friend recently gifted me her Master System and it has AK:MW

  • +3

    countless hours on this in-built game on my old sega master system when I was a kid

  • +1

    Needs a remake of “Enchanted Castle” too!

  • +2

    The first game from the first console I ever owned. Great memories

  • Great game, recently bought it on my XSX when it went on sale, as I played it on my mates Sega Master System 2 many decades ago and have loved it ever since.

  • Worth every bit of $4.50.

  • +1

    The original was what got me into videogames when I was a kid. I could complete it without loosing a life. I revisited it on the wii virtual console. This remake I have to have!

    • +1

      Was one of my first games too. Getting old 😿

  • +1

    (profanity) man the memories. What have you done :-(

    • +1


  • sun, waves, moon, star, sun, moon, waves, fish, star, fish

  • +2

    Had this baby built into my Sega Master System 2 and loved it

  • Alex the kid on Nintendo??? SINNERS!!!

    • In a Miracle World

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