these prices seem like a steal! these are the prices currently coming up on my aliexpress… but the price has been fluctuating, not sure if its because of the currency conversion.. but still.. Duo 3 POE has been selling for around $300 on the reolink australia website last couple months..
Sensor Size: Duo 3 POE 16MP Cam
Sensor Size: Duo 3 POE Add 128GB
So yesterday i go to aliexpress on 20/6/2024 and select Sensor Size: Duo 3 POE Add 128GB and buy one for Total:AU$107.75, and then the price jumps and i buy a second one for Total:AU$135.05… i thought i just got lucky with the price that they made a mistake and sold it to me for about one third of the normal price on their official australia website (around A$300)… sharing these with everyone because i've bought as much as is practical for my house (1 for north side of house, 1 for south side, 1 for east and 1 for west side)… and i've also run out of money for it hahahaha.. i already have purchased a whole bunch of reolink gear but not yet hooked them up (reolink 32channel NVR and alott of cameras…)
but then i log on today and and buy another one for Total:AU$108.96, and then a Duo 3 POE 16MP Cam!!!
these cameras look pretty good on video reviews on youtube the cool thing is you can see 180 degrees… although you may want to run a reolink NVR with it because its 4k and 16mp video, so its going to eat up memory storage fast i'd imagine if recording 24/7…
duo 3 was released Feb 1st 2024. its 16mp, 4k, and can view 180degrees.. though its horizontal view is slightly narrow. its pretty high detail. it was one of the coolest releases from reolink…
reolink duo 2 vs duo 3 youtube video
reolink just released the Argus 4 pro, on June 10th 2024, which seems to do slightly better with color nightvision and detail during the day etc… seems pretty cool and it also does 180degree.. not sure if its 16mp though.. for more info incase you would rather wait till it goes on sale
if you buy some at low price and the price jumps after you buy, and you want more… try check in the next day, and the price might be super low again.. that strategy worked for me… though Aliexpress works in mysterious ways, im still trying to get my head around it hahaha.. but yea, price is hella cheap, just make sure you do some research on it before you buy one, to make sure its what you need and your happy with its negatives..