Does Sydney Train Allow Stopovers?

I wonder if I can do stopovers with Sydney train, like leaving at a station mid journey, spend some time outside, then go back to the same station to continue the trip, without affecting the original trip fare?

Tried asking Sydney Train and Opal card, but I got mixed answers, some said yes some said no, some said only within certain time limit. So I am putting up a poll to get the answer based on your field testing experiences, thanks for sharing!

Poll Options

  • 4
    No, they are counted as separate individual trips, so you pay more
  • 1
    Yes, but only for 15mins, enough time for you to realise you get off from a wrong station
  • 1
    Yes, but only for 30mins just so you decide to "change your mind"
  • 29
    Yes and you can enjoy a whole hour outside thanks to ST/Opal's courtesy
  • 0
    Yes totally, no restriction, as the total "displacement" is the same

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  • -2

    You need 3 more 'No' options

    • no, unless you jump the gates, then its free

      • At Redfern Station they have open gates with the sign "Community Access". I would have thought with Sydney Trains "simplified communication" policy that it would just say "Fare Evaders"

  • +1

    I have found that it works up to 60 minutes, and the fare becomes the fare of the longest trip (eg. if A>B is further than A>C) , as long as it is all on the same mode of transport.

    I went for dinner the other day and tapped back for return station in less than 60 minutes later, so the return trip was considered one trip.

  • +2

    I find it weird that people don't do their research, but as other have said here, as long as it is within 60 minutes then it doesn't matter, you pay for the longest part.

    eg. if you go from Campbelltown and tap off at each station and then tap on 10-60 minutes after the tap off, then you pay to the furthest stop.

  • What if you do a stopover and don't tap off and spend less than an hour there. Then return to train and continue the trip and tap off at your final destination? Does that count as one trip?

    • +1

      A. It only works where there's no ticket gate/ if you jump the gate

      B. If you don't tap off, whether it is more than less than 1 hr is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether the total journey time exceeds the total time allowed, which triggers the default fare.

  • +1

    Get a senior Opal card. You tap on and off as much as you like for only $2.50 for the whole day. 😆

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