This was posted 8 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] $5 Original Glazed Doughnut 4-Pack @ Krispy Kreme


Great offer on the OGs!

$5 Original Glazed® 4-PACK. Offer valid on 21st June 2024. Limit to 12, $5 Original Glazed® 4-pack per customer - Each 4 pack afterwards must be purchased at full price. Offer valid in-store only. Offer only valid at Krispy Kreme shops only. Excluding South Australia. Offer is not available through Krispy Kreme Online Orders or via UberEats, Doordash, and Menulog. Offer is not available in 7-Eleven, Coles, Woolworths, BP, or Costco. Offer is subject to stock availability in each store.


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Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme

closed Comments

  • +5

    must be good living next door to a cripy kreme shop …

    • Need a gem the next next door.

  • +6

    Great price, shame I can't eat more than two without my teeth rattling out of my head from the sugar.

    I might try freezing a box. I'm told they keep quite well frozen.

    • +6

      They keep quite well in a regular fridge, and has the benefit of not being frozen hard when you want to eat it immediately. The glaze locks most of the moisture in the dough and it stays fluffy after 3-4 days in the fridge. It gets kind of dry if you keep it much longer after that.

      • +5

        I find bakery products including donuts immediately lose condition when refrigerated but freezing locks in the freshness to a level that is surprising efficient. I actually stock up on a lot of my chosen fresh bakery products and then freeze them for use over 1-3 weeks. I've never tried it with Krispy Kreme original glazed but will give it a go.

        • Refrigeration speeds up the staling process in baked goods. Freezing doesn't though. You can un-stale breads by heating them up (i.e. this is why we have toast)

      • I like mine left in the fridge for a week before eating, it just taste more crispy. :)

        • More *Krispy?

  • +1

    They're never Krispy or Kremey, but I can't deny I'm tempted.

    • +3

      Eat half of it then take the rest back to counter and demand your money back because they weren't Krispy nor Kremey

      • +3

        Given that Krispy and Kreme are trademarked, they define what they mean. By definition every Krispy Kreme donut is bothy Krispy and Kremey.

    • +1

      It's kinda like KFC it's not hot and spicy more like warm and crunchy

  • +3

    Why exclude South Australia? Not fair man

    • +3

      Krispy Kreme in South Australia is 'Krispy Kreme South Australia', everywhere else is 'Krispy Kreme Australia' for some reason.

      • -1

        Different company

  • Did they change the recipe? Last time I had these they tasted so bad. Used to be an addict about 8 years ago.

    • I know they did change the recipe to be vegan now.

      • Oh wow, so the original glazed is now vegan?

        • +1

          Yep, or at least 'vegan suitable’ according to a FAQ on a 1 November 2023 blog post:

          • @wavesgreen: Thanks. Makes sense why it tastes so bad now!

            • @GourmetFoodie: I'd actually be interested to try a side-by-side comparison if it was possible. I read somewhere a while back that the Original Glazed delivered to 7-Eleven and other places were not vegan, only the Krispy Kreme in-store ones were vegan. But maybe that's changed now.

        • does it mean it's more healthy now than before?

          • @Chewee: Vegan doesn't always mean healthy, just means no eggs or dairy, gelatine, shellac, etc.

            • -1

              @wavesgreen: it will be vegan if the calf eats the dairy products made from the mother

  • Woop woop!

  • Unfortunately this does not appear to be applicable in SA. :'(

    • yeah because SA is not part of the national chain doing their own thing

  • Nice, 4 is just right, not too much, coz I would eat 12 if the deal is a dozen.

  • -2

    Excluding SA……..

  • -2

    Wouldn’t be the first thing I’ve seen glazed this morning.

  • Unpopular decision but these are all fluff and filler…i like my nuts a little more dense and doughie.

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