Best Way to Turn on PC at 11am and off at 2pm?

I just signed up for Ovo's Free 3 plan, where energy usage between 11am and 2pm is free. I have quite a few GPUs and I'm thinking of doing some crypto mining because why not, it's free! Looks like I'll earn about $100 a year if it is running for 3 hours a day.

I can find a way to automatically shutdown the machine at 2pm, but what is the best way to automatically turn ON the machine at a set time?


  • +76

    Best way to turn on PC at 11am and off at 2pm?

    Perform a strip tease at 11am

    Discuss your haemorrhoid issues at 2pm

  • +5

    I use one of these for the past half year or so.

    It's basically a Tuya IoT device with the ubiquitous ESP8266 microcontroller, the same thing they use in smart plugs and loads of other IOT devices. It allows you to remotely power on and off a computer by closing the circuit on the Power switch headers on the motherboard.

    You'll need to install the Ewelink mobile app, and within the app itself you can set a schedule for power on / off times. You may optionally integrate it with Home Assistant / Alexa / Google Home as well.

    You will obviously need to sacrifice a PCIE slot for this card, since the card needs to draw power from the motherboard. It somehow also knows if the computer is on or not.


      I love the images of the cards with the antennas and brackets, which is not the product being sold…

      You'll need to install the Ewelink mobile app

      Could just use the Tuya app, no? Or is Ewelink a better option?

      It somehow also knows if the computer is on or not.

      I imagine it being connected to the PCI bus would give it power status…

      • +1

        The power is actually continually supplied to the card regardless of whether it's on or off, so I believe there is some kind of power current detection on the card that lets it differentiate between currently off / Sleep State S3 or turned on.

        The card itself has a wifi chipset built in and it doesn't rely on the motherboards networking to connect to your router, meaning it is still online even when your PC is shut down.

        Yes I believe you can just use Tuya instead of Ewelink. The version I purchased (which had 2 status LEDs) required ewelink instead of Tuya, though I suspect it's just a clone of the app.

  • +73

    $100 a year is not worth any sort of effort. 25 cents a day..

    Ignoring electricity cost what about wear and tear on the GPU and computer, plus the mental load to deal with it.

    • -6

      plus the mental load to deal with it

      You think an automated schedule is a mental load?? The whole premise is set and forget.

      Besides the minimal funds, free heating is not a zero sum game in winter so can easily be worthwhile.

      • +12

        free heating in winter is good but free heat in summar is bad, so sounds a bit zero sum now….

      • +12

        Posting this thread was already too much mental effort for 25 cents a day, I can imagine the setup time would be even worse.

    • Also they may need to purchase additional hardware to control it. All that for $100/yr 🤷‍♂️

      • +3

        It's the classic ozbargain mentality you see here all too often. A lot of people only look at the output of the effort, not the amount of effort that went into it.

        If you can save $5 then ignore the fact you're spending 2 hours of time to do so.

        It's how frugal people end up living a pretty nothing kind of life where they have loads of money but eat bulk bought rice and watch TV only at non peak electricity hours in the cold.

        • 🤣

        • Hey I eat eggs with those rice

  • +15

    Better off getting like five of those 2000W $15 fan heaters from Kmart setting them on a power board connected to a timer, and heat your house up massively for those few hours in winter. That's 10,000W of pure heat blasting in yo face when you sleep.

    • +6

      Why are you sleeping for 3 hours during the middle of the day?

      • +25

        Siesta. Because it'll get so hot with all those heaters running that you feel lazy and need to sleep.

    • +1

      Whilst you might be joking, I feel others should be reminded that the maximum power capacity of a powerboard and outlet is usually 2400W, so putting more than 1 of those 2kW heaters is very dangerous

      But we do something similar; 1 split AC, 1 portable AC, and 1 resistive heater drawing 7kW total during these three hours - enough to spike the temperature which keeps the rooms warm-ish until 4-5pm since our house is so lossy

      • +9

        In 20 years time our children are going to look back at posts like this and cringe about how climate change was a problem and we continued to "use free energy because its free"

        The split AC can probably heat the room in 10 mins but instead its running for hours to "proactively" heat the space- I mean I get the "it's free" part, don't shoot me for that, but (profanity) this is some warped behaviour.

        • this is some warped behaviour

          If only the power companies had some way of changing the tariffs during the different times of day to encourage different user behaviours…

        • +1

          We would not otherwise be using any heating whatsoever as it is prohibitively expensive for us. That means an average room temperature of 9C in the morning, rising to 12C at maximum, according to my HomeAssistant sensors.

          Therefore, it is a significant quality of life improvement for us, since our heated rooms maintains 18C+ temperatures for about 5-6 hours using this heating method

          Perhaps you are fortunate enough that these considerations do not apply for you. But if you were given the opportunity to make a significant QoL improvement for free, wouldn't you take it?

          I am not sure your point about us contributing to climate change is valid. Ovo isn't just giving free electricity because they're nice. It's because there is a literal excess of energy that has to be curtailed (though I acknowledge not necessarily the case on cloudy days)- either it must be used by consumers (the point of this free electricity), or solar farms must be shut off (owners losing money, the cost of which is passed on to you anyways)

        • +1

          The reason it's free between 11am - 2pm is because it often really is. The excess of roof top solar and other renewable sources during the period often pushes the wholesale spot price into negatives.

          Yep, the market pays the retailer to use electricity. So Ovo have worked out that they can make money from you even when supplying the energy for free.

          Of course, there'll be days when renewable production is down and the spot price remains positive, and your free clean energy won't be so clean during this time, but on the balance of it, we are using up that renewable generation near the roof top source which is good for the electricity network and good for the environment if it means we won't be using non-renewables later in the day.

          It may even pay (eventually) to get a battery storage, charge it up during the 3 free hours and run your needs for the rest of the day from it. If that proves economical and people start doing that, you can bet the supply / demand balance changes again, and the '3 for free' won't last forever.

          So not as warped as it sounds at first, if we can change people's usage behaviour and shift energy consumption to renewables and reduce non-renewable (carbon emitting) energy with deals like this, that's a win all round.

        • It's not free out of the goodness of their hearts, they are desperately trying to balance the grid from excess rooftop solar generation at that time. If this excess power is not used it is effectively wasted.

        • Who cares when powering AI is going to accelerate climate change anyway.

        • Presumably the electricity is free because of excess solar?

      • +2

        Whilst you might be joking, I feel others should be reminded that the maximum power capacity of a powerboard and outlet is usually 2400W, so putting more than 1 of those 2kW heaters is very dangerous

        the trick is, you daisy chain several power boards, with a 2kW header in each power board :)

        • +2

          (also don’t do this)

        • +1

          It's best to share the power between the boards in a ring, so make a cable with 2 male ends and connect the last board and first board together with it. This will stabilise the power distribution.

          Bunnings has you covered

  • +11

    I feel like ppl kept making jokes without giving practical solutions…

    Here's how you do it:

    Buy a Smart Power Socket (with Current detection) from any company you prefer, I like those Tuya ones (Brilliant Smart uses Tuya for some of their device too), plug your PC power into this power socket.

    On your PC BIOS, setup a thing called "Restore after AC Power loss", set it to Power On. Essentially what this does is, if your PC is disconnected from the power socket, and you plug your power cord back in, your PC will turn on automatically.

    For turning off the PC, just run some script, or some task scheduler program, on top of my head, you can run in cmd: shutdown -s -t 7200 this will let your computer shutdown after 7200 second (2 hours)

    and then for quality of life, in the smart plug app, setup so it switches itself off when the power draw is less than 2 watt or something.

    The only problem with this setup is that if your PSU have a huge capacitor, your mobo won't detect that it has lost the power, because your PSU capacitor is still supplying a tiny bit of current to it. In extreme cases this can last 10s of minutes, maybe even longer.

    this setup has worked on almost all of my PC except one (doesn't detect power loss for a long time)

    • Something like this. Some machines have timers in bios too

    • Seconding this. I used to use Task Scheduler in windows to power my PC on and off so my PC would download during off-peak periods. Its all baked into windows itself so no additional software required.

      I don't recall if windows can only wake itself if it's in sleep or hibernate but it should be usable in conjunction with some of the BIOS configurations others have suggested.

      • +1

        without BIOS Power on + Smart Plug, one could also setup WOL + send Magic Packet via router or something, the latter doesn't seems to be as reliable, IDK if it's BIOS implementation/compatibility or driver or whatever… it doesn't always get woke and very hard to debug. I'd just use smart plug and call it a day.

    • Windows Task Scheduler to shutdown and startup by Mobo Startup Timer from memory. Worked well for over a year to shut my home server at night.

    • Ovo's Free 3 plan,

    • I don't think you understand. His power plan allows unlimited power at a certain time of the day

  • +5

    I can answer this

    Smart plug (that applies power at a specific time)
    power on function in the bios. So it boots when power is applied
    There's a setting in the bios about ignoring power state / always on
    Very easy to run a shutdown script in task scheduler
    After say 15min past 2. Set the power plug to turn off, so it resets for tomorrow (some power plugs have automatic off when the device isn't using power

    • This!

      In addition, if you built the computer yourself, and/or the computer is using standard consumer-level motherboards, most will have a setting that triggers power on at specific times

      Unfortunately if you have an OEM system that has a locked down BIOS, this will not be achievable for you. You will need a hardware-level solution such as the aforementioned MCU+Power Switch toggle

      • +1

        Unfortunately if you have an OEM system that has a locked down BIOS, this will not be achievable for you.

        So far all the business-level PCs I've seen (Dell Optiplexes, Lenovo ThinkCentres) have the option in BIOS as it really is a feature that a business would use rather than a home user.

        The idea is to turn everyone's computers on automatically before the staff come in. This is from the days before SSDs where it could take a minute or three to fully start up.

  • +1

    use task scheduler or the power button.

  • +6

    This is not worth the effort and the energy and time tou spend on it will cost you more, not to mention you're just wasting energy which is just irresponsible.

    Probably the first person to turn around and then complain why electricity costs are so expensive.

    • -3

      irresponsible not to use it - this would be an attempt to balance the grid from excess solar generation at that time. If this excess green power is not used it is effectively wasted.

      • I have no idea if there is excess or not (I suspect there isn't and this is some weird talking point).

        But let's say there is - you really think it's responsible to use excess energy to mine cryptocurrency? As opposed to anything else, that's the best use of the excess energy?

        • -2

          The neg is a bit harsh - I was being flippant that it would be irresponsible to use it, I get it 'feels right' but saying it is irresponsibly wasting energy just isn't the truth. Most of that power ends up going nowhere. The grids are massively overloaded at the time from rooftop solar, it's a big problem that actual cost the power companies a lot of money to balance. You may have notice some recent articles where power companies want to start charging people for putting power into the grid around those times.

          What else are you going to do with the excess energy? It's free, green, localised and can't easily/inexpensively be stored. Suggesting it is more responsible to let it waste off into the ether is an even weirder talking point. More people using the power at those times would actually help the grid. Would really love to hear your ideas on what to do with all this energy - in fact I think the power companies would love to hear any good suggestions.

          In WA they give households in financial distress free use of power during the day from excess solar - and even with that there is more than enough to go around during those times. In fact we can only export a maximum of 4.5kw from our systems during the day. If we produced any additional access they won't even take that into the grid and it just disappears.

          • +1

            @Cunning Linguist:

            1. excess power is currently used for desal - we can always up the scale of this, as we will always need fresh water. I understand it's not a cheap venture to do so.

            2. we need to start using things like hydroelectric storage pumps and other solutions, as the problem of excess grid power during the day is only going to get worse. Yeah, this is even more expensive if you don't have the geography for it, but it's entirely necessary.

            3. Individuals mining crypto are not going to help balance the grid in any significant fashion. Sure, individuals won't "waste power" during peak day generation, but it helps prop up a highly damaging ponzi scheme that does waste power outside of peak generating time.

            4. Most of your problems over east stem from privatising the grid. WA has a lot more flexibility in approaching this problem because the profits made by Synergy can go towards solutions to the peak power problem. We also get much, much cheaper electricity. Yay.

            • +1

              @Charmoffensive: Yes - 100% agree! In fact they are building a new desal plant just up the road though a few years to completion. There's probably a whole different conversation around the cons of crypto mining but without moving the goal post all I'm saying in this case is that if you want to use this power for anything (even crypto mining) you shouldn't be shamed as it being irresponsibly 'wasting' energy.

              • +1

                @Cunning Linguist: I think you're technically correct on all the points you've made, but the fact of the matter is there will be a morality placed on your electricity usage. Going full Edison and electrocuting an elephant will be inherently seen as waste compared to, say, running a pond filter. I know there's no true waste in either scenario once the electricity has already been generated, but there will always be a perception that it is an unnecessary pursuit of time, effort and resources compared to more productive ventures.

                That all said, I'm fine with half truths if it discourages people from converting into the cult of crypto bros.

                • +1

                  @Charmoffensive: That's probably where we part ways. If there is merit in something you should be able to sell it on truths - lies and half truths instantly puts the lobbyer offside and weakens their argument. There are many excellent reasons electrocuting an elephant is a bad idea even if wasting power was taken out of the equation.

                  • @Cunning Linguist: Again, you're not wrong, but trying to fight a war of disinformation with one hand tied behind your back by the truth only makes for a moral defeat. "A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on". I'm more of a proponent of consequentialism.

                    • @Charmoffensive: I can't be the only one to see the irony of fighting a war of disinformation with lies and half truths - this was a good chuckle.

                      There's another great saying: "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."

                      • @Cunning Linguist:

                        I can't be the only one to see the irony of fighting a war of disinformation with lies and half truths - this was a good chuckle.

                        I… I think you missed my point.

  • +5

    Best way to turn on PC at 11am and off at 2pm?

    Check your BIOS, some have a power on at xyz time.

    Run a OS task to do a shutdown

    • I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find the correct answer.

      You don't need any extra hardware/automation to achieve this functionality, any PC BIOS on a normal ATX motherboard from the last 10 years allows you to power on the system via a timer schedule (the system clock in the BIOS EEPROM keeps time via the CR 2032 battery on the motherboard).

      The shutting down part you can do from within the OS via any number of freeware utilities or via a scheduled task if you're a bit more tech-savvy.

      • I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find the correct answer.

        Yep, lots of people just not aware of the 'old school' methods and instead try to make things overly complex for no reason!


    • this is absolutely the correct answer.

      it is likely your computer can already do this for zero dollars.

      if you have any struggle, tell me the model of the motherboard and i will write up some instructions for you :)

  • Do not think turn off, put deep sleep. Use google to search of there is some app the can control deep sleep.

    • I had a program once (Windows) that could wake your computer from sleep at a certain time, and shut it down at another specified time. I cannot recall what it was called, though, or if it works on Windows 10/11.

  • +3

    Most recent PC BIOS will let you schedule turning on your PC at a specific time.
    Use a windows schedule, or linux cron job to shut down when you're done.

  • +1

    Why anyone here condones crypto mining I'll never know

  • +3

    The BIOS lets you start it up at a specified time.

  • +2

    Most BIOS/UEFI have an option to turn on at a specified time. Look for something like Power on by RTC. You should then get an option to turn the computer on at a specific time (down to the second).

  • +1

    Task scheduler? Keep in mind you'll be sleeping the device not shutting it down.
    Can set a task to sleep, and one to wake up

    Or if your PC supports "start-up on AC Connection" get a smart plug that supports scheduling. Use that to turn it on, and set a shutdown script on the PC for 2 pm to shut it down

  • Another option if you have Home Kit.
    Put this in a PCI slot then connect it to the power switch header on your computer. Add the item to your Apple Home.
    Then create a homekit automation to power it on. Power off using tasks as others have suggested
    There are non homekit variants on aliExpress if that's suits you.

  • +1

    Wake on Lan + Tasker on android.

    This will let you turn on your pc on a schedule or even via Alexa / Google.

    • OP would need to be home though, or on a VPN to he's home network. Which I assume he isn't given the question

      • I have Tasker running on an old android device. You don't need to be home.

  • +1

    Lol this has to be a troll post right, at least make a half decent figure like $1000 or $10,000

  • Remeber, if you have a solar at your home. That might be a bad idea as the power consuming will be from your solar first and then from grid if consumption exceeds you solar production, which is always high between those times.
    Correct me if I'm wrong

    • Unless OP has a battery, I fail to see your point

      • Op is trying to use free power during peak time, when solar is generating energy. Which means he is using his solar power for running his computer, so he is indirectly losing his FIT. Average house holds solar is 5kw and they pay 5¢ per kw. So it's 25¢ and what he is trying to earn is also approx 25¢ per day

        • Unless it's an old grandfathered account, FIT is worth <peanuts now. OP's trying to strike it rich by mining for 3 hours daily…..

    • Yes but I don't think those with Solar Panels will be going for these OvoEnergy Free 3 plans since the Solar FIT is extremely low and there are higher supply charges and peak charges compared to some other companies.

      People who are working from home and not having Solar panels (or large household all working from home with small system) takes advantage of the Free 3 plan the most and it makes sense for them to go on it.

  • +4

    Sell your GPUs, stick money anywhere really, offset, ETFS or even old fashioned savings account ATM with 5%+

    Then find something better to do with your time

  • Besr cost effective way is to wake up then go to bed…then repeat at the next time.

  • Don’t keep the pc running and use standard task scheduling to stop/start GPU mining.
    I think your way off on the calculations though.

  • Any capped for the 3 hr free power? Imagining a luxury house with 10 Tesla batteries…

    • Those with batteries wouldn't care about Free Power from a provider and its not like you can charge your Telsa Batteries from the Grid, it is Solar > Batteries not Grid > Batteries.

      • +1

        Most batteries support grid feed in

        • +1

          Yeah with the technology now it should come with 2 ways and for those who use batteries as a backup. The provider can still ban these addresses from the 3hr plans.

  • Have you looked to see if there's a BIOS setting for Wake Up Events?

  • Dell BIOS has daily wake up schedule.

  • Off topic, but can you grow plants for 3 hours of light every 24 hours? Are there low-maintenance plants that would be happy in this condition? Maybe something native to the poles of the planet if anything grows in those areas?

  • +1

    Check the bios, there is usually something you can set to get it to turn in at a set time, then set up orograms to run at runtime

  • I use Wake on LAN sent from home assistant once we have enough solar, then mqtt to monitor and set sleep when export finishes.
    I'd first try task scheduler, failing that use a smart plug as others have mentioned.

  • +1

    The easiest and most simplest solution is to use a switchbot / fingerbot. A little device that can push a button or toggle a switch for you remotely

    There's plenty around in AliExpress and amazon. I'd opt the usb-c rechargeable ones that way you don't worry about having to replace odd battery type that only lasts 2months. I use this for my home NAS which I don't need running 24/7…

    • The simplest option you reckon

    • I was looking for something like this in response to this post, but couldn't find anything! Thanks for posting this!

  • easy, get a smart power point, schedule ur on and off times, connect it to your router, enable wake on lan on your pc, when ur pc detects active lan it will power up, run a script on ur pc to turn the pc off at 11am shutting it down, dont use a smart power on ur pc you risk blowing ur psu

  • send a wake on LAN packet from a old android phone or something daily ?

  • Wake on power coupled with a smart plug
    Then windows scheduler to force shutdown.

  • How about just finding a way to turn the modem/router on & off?

  • crypto isn't free for the planet… you could at least do some folding at home and solve some beneficial science, instead of burning dinosaurs to make digital tulips

    • Is it worth doing folding these days as they pay pennies compared to cost of living now.

      • last time I checked, folding at home doesn't make you money

  • Don't listen to all the bad negative vibes in here.

    What you are doing is a good thing for the electricity network. Go for it.

    Those who have installed solar panels have tried to green-wash its credentials and are ignoring the blatant facts that it is not an appropriate source of power for the network. It's a bit like how wind turbines use coal to move them during the night…

    • It's a bit like how wind turbines use coal to move them during the night…

      I have to assume this is in jest, and a nod to the Nationals senator who thought wind farms don't work at night?

      The world is a scary place.

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