Found this as i was looking at heart of the swarm. Amazon has it for 79 but shipping costs like $16
SC2: Heart of The Swarm Collectors Preorder $91.50 ($89 + $2.50 Shipping)
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These days I never preorder unless I am certain it is the deal of the century. Do JB discount the price if it drops before release?
Click the link.. Take a look at the big red banner above the picture of the box. Your question will be answered.
If you preorder from Amazon they give you a beta key for HoTS (so you can play straight away). But not sure if the expansion itself is region locked.
You can play on the US servers if that is the case.
I preorderd from JB on the weekend and just received a beta key email.
These collectors editions DO SELL OUT and are the only thing ever worth per-ordering.. as for the game!
Its over 4 months away! :) and just like the fist starcraft it will have oodles of copies on the shelf for sale… 1 month after it will then be on special for $39 (standard boxed game) I'm just going to walk into the store when its on special to pick up my copy.. pitty its not out over xmes holidays i have 3 weeks off work.
Wings of liberty took over a year to hit $39. The best price for Aus region copy was around $50-60 for ages and ages
I know because i bought it for $80 during the 50% paypal cashback period and watched prices to see how long it took for the price to hit $40…never did until recently this year
Sure, but the RRP is lower as this is an expansion.
Thought blizzard was treating this as a regular game from a pricing perspective for this one
Thanks a bunch for the advanced warning. I was lucky to get D3 CE from Game when those issues were around, and I haven't heard nice things about EB keeping stock lately.
I got the SC2 CE too, which is awesome. This will be nice next to it.
Man, I only want this for the D3 wings lol
People still play D3? :P
I really need to go back and finish that last level….I never got around to it. :P
I only want the artbook.
Definitely worth getting the CE! I'm so mad that I didn't get WoL CE when it was out!
True. They're being sold for about 300 bucks on ebay lol
Thing is I saw Amazon had them at 99USd still about 3 weeks ago - they had 10 left then. If I had the cash at the time I would have bought one.
u dont have a credit card?
didn't have a brian to see HoS was coming [thought it might still be 6 months off] figured I'd come back and get it before Xmas.
Thanks OP!
This sounded so cheap when I first seen it, but then I remembered this is only an expansion pack. Expansion packs really should only cost half of what a full game does.
$88+$2.50 @ EBGames…