I was advise to use Normafibe by a health professional and it worked really well.
It contained about 62% sterculia.. Normafibe is now not available and the alternatives don’t work as well eg Psyllium husk.
Has anyone found and tried a product that contains sterculia?
Normafibe Alternative with Sterculia
Thanks Mr. Health Professional
Some people can't handle the truth…
A long time ago at the movies Jack Nicholson taught me that Tom Cruise can't handle the truth.
According to google - there are now no products containing Sterculia (in the UK at least). Normacol was discontinued in 2023.
There has been a global shortage of Sterculia since 2017. Doubt you'll see any product containing Sterculia ever again.
Most suggestions are to switch to Psyllium husk.
You could try something like ispaghula husk (Fybogel) ..
. Or … Tri Fibre.I used to really dislike Normacol (Sterculia) … Yet Psyllium husk works for me.
[EDIT] … just to add …
In some parts of India - the tree (which produces the gum) has been placed on the endangered list - has been overharvested +++ illegally harvested … To the point where almost wiped from existence in some areas.
No… the oil contains cyclopropene fatty acids which could be carcinogenic.