Pebble Gear Kids Tablet

Hey everyone. Posted this on whirlpool forums too but ive had some quicker responses here so hoping someone can help :)

Recently got my toddler a Pebble Gear Kids 7" tablet. I believe its a rebranded Laser tablet. I want to reset it to normal android mode which I'm.sure is possible so I can get her the games they like to play on my phone, didn't realise when I bought this piece of junk that it's locked to there shitty version of play store with very minor selection of games.

Is there a way to do this? I feel they've just installed a premade image over a tablet the way you would with any rooted android but I'm.not sure exactly. I've tried getting into dev mode but it seems impossible.


  • I doubt people are making custom roms for this.. but check xda

    • Not necessarily a custom rom more like reset it to its original android state itd judt a laser branded tablet that i believe pebble have installed there own custom rom over.

  • if you have a file manager, see if you can download the .apk of whant you want and see if you can install it.

    • Dont think i can download one in its current state

  • quick googling does come up wit ha lot of references to the tablet and their webpage but even the FAQ are vague in the sense of most common ask or issues.

    i think youll have to tinker with adb and force installing side loaded apps etc, as this is a custom android device with kids safety in mind.

    • Thanks i think ill cut my losses and just get her a different android. I got it for $80 i cant complain.

      • Get yourself a normal tablet and create a kids account which you have virtually the same control through the parent account.

        • I know this was an option but we are on Ozbargain after all 😆

          • +1

            @misticknight: A bargain is a bargain non the less.aybe a little side project for you now, i know I would.

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