Bunnings Not Honouring Price Beat “Guarantee”

[Note: As I was about to post this I did a google to see if they call it a “guarantee” but it doesn’t seem so. I swear they used to at some point, and have seen references to it in various forum posts/rants, so maybe this is a specific change because they know they suck at honouring it and therefore dilute the language by removing “guarantee”? Regardless, I’ve left “guarantee” because that is the spirit of their claim.]

Hi all,

I’ve been doing price matches/beats at Officeworks for years, and have had overall good experiences and have rarely (if ever) left the store having to pay full price for an item I’ve asked for a price beat on. At worst, I would get the price beat on a slightly more expensive competitor price than I originally hoped for (usually only a couple of dollars less, and mostly because I either missed something or because I couldn’t be bothered pushing it with the staff). I’ve had quite a few times where it took maybe 10 mins of back and forth between staff/managers and referring to the policy (usually when it was a substantial discount on a $100+ item) but I still succeeded.

Not sure how, but a few years ago I managed to get them to price beat an iPhone from an eBay store (non-auction) after arguing with them on the phone for a while.

I’ve also done it at Supercheap Auto, Repco, Petbarn, and Pet Stock with no issue. They've actually been great about it, and my most recent Petbarn experience was amazing because they were happy about it AND looked it up themselves AND found a cheaper price than I did and asked if I had anything cheaper. That was amazing, and was done super quick.

Today I tried to get a price beat on a smart home item (Amazon as the competitor) that was also available at Officeworks. I had a look at this thread and a few others after a quick google, and since the Bunnings price beat was 10% versus Officeworks’ 5%, I thought I’d try Bunnings.

I went into my local Bunnings and went to the service desk. The first (younger) staff member was confused when I mentioned “price beat” and passed it to another staff member.

The second (older) staff member was also confused when I said “price beat” and “corrected” me by saying “price match”. I didn’t want to piss them off so I just let that one go and thought I’d argue that point later if they just matched the Amazon price (as opposed to beating it by 10%).

Anyway, when I said Amazon they said they don’t price match Amazon or eBay. I said they don’t mention that in their policy but they said something along the lines of “that’s how we do it”.

It was almost closing time so I just decided to go to Officeworks before they closed to get my items, as I knew I would get the items and the price beat. If I argued with Bunnings and didn’t get anywhere, I would miss out and not be able to get the items at Officeworks either.

This is pretty shit. I know the policy wording means I should get the price beat, so if I pursued it I’m sure I would eventually get it. That said, it’s a lot of effort. Also, for the average non-OzBargainer out there, it would mean paying more than the store’s (price beat) advertising promises. All because people don’t bother to actually read/explain policies to their staff.

Anyway, just needed the rant. Any similar/different experiences out there?

tl;dr: Bunnings didn’t price match Amazon and gave incorrect/nothing reason and I’m pissed off.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • +3

    From memory…Their advertising is “we will beat our competitors by x % on the same item.”

    Which seems open to interpretation, but understandably could exclude amazon as they are not a direct competitor - they just happen to sell a some of the same items.

    But in saying that, I’ve never tried to price beat/match anything At Bunnings… so my points are moot 😂

    I feel your pain though, especially if you have managed it in the past, like many of us have to price beat stuff that technically shouldn’t of been beaten 😂

    • +1

      After Masters gone I guess they don't have a real competitor anymore :D

  • +4

    I've always known Bunnings to only price match physical stores on advertised prices that were not marked as a clearance and the item had to be in stock, with the same product code and same colour

  • Don’t go in store. Ring them up online.

    • +8

      Ring them up online.

      Instructions unclear. Please explain.

      • +1

        Give them a call from your web browser.

    • The item is not available online!

  • +6

    Last time I asked for a stock match I had to wait 15 minutes whilst it passed 5 different staff members, each checking the product code and trying desperately to determine the store maybe didn’t really exist, or the product code was different. I think they were hoping I’d just give up and leave. I already had an online chat saved confirming I was eligible, but they were not happy to honour that without checking. With 5 independent staff. Whilst I waited.

    It really is bizarre that they’re so passionate about finding loopholes. They can’t be losing THAT much money as the smaller stockists surely aren’t getting their stock cheaper than Bunnings are. They’ll likely still profit even after discount most cases. And so what if they DO lose a little cash here and there: that’s the price of getting people in your store and maintaining good customer relations… just eat it, jeez.

  • Yep bunnings are rubbish at price matching/beating.

    They refused me in store the other week (over a $10 price discrepancy) because it was an online store. My understanding is they match online stores including delivery…

    I wasn't going to argue in store, but sent head office an email to clarify their price beat policy. I got a few very vague emails back without any details, just saying I had to go in-store and speak to a manager there about their individual policy 🙄

  • +2

    i once price beat roof insulation at bunnings, i wanted about 20 bags, but they said that was a "commercial" qualtity, they only let me get about 5 bags at the discounted price.

  • I've just had a similar run around with Road Track Marine (which is the same owners as Jaycar) as I have a $250 gift card to use.

    Did online chat and after a lot of typing and the person pulling out a new condition every 2nd sentence (must be bricks & mortar store, etc) their final bit of nonsense was "We can't price match online. You have to visit a store." The nearest being 18km drive with no guarantee they will price match from $269 to $199 + $13 delivery. I rang them and their best "price match" was $229 and I had to pick up instore (about 1.5hrs of time wasted & $5 of fuel).

    So I ordered from a bricks & mortar store at Penrith. $212 on my door step in a few days.

  • +1

    When I said Amazon they said they don’t price match Amazon or eBay.

    I thought this was normal???

  • +1

    Bunnings is the worst store to price beat or match. But I got to give it to them that their refund process is one of the best.

    Price beat used to be 5%, now it's 10% but good luck even getting a price match on the same item as different stores and reps will give you a hard time.

    I even heard stories Bunnings have Bunnings specific model numbers and variants from competitors to avoid price matching/beating cause technically it's not the same item when in fact it is, the manufacturer just changed the model number but it's the same item.

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