Looking to buy a Mini PC
Budget is $600-$700 and so far I shortlisted these
My needs are some office work, some gaming and some streaming of videos.
Any others should I be considering or are my choices overkill?
Many thanks team
Basically comes down to what "some gaming" means. Most office work, unless you have a very specific process that is hardware demanding, you can generally get away with any modern computer.
Of those two, look at the 6900HX. While the higher number, the 7735HS is just a rebranded 6800HS and is actually a tad slower. I can't see any other real difference between the two (I didn't look very hard).
If you want to play 1080p of games that are a few years old (witcher 3 kind of era) on low settings, it'll be great. Any more, I'd move away from these sort of laptop in a box kind of systems to look at a budget ITX system with a dedicated GPU. If it's just factorio (must feed the machine) then a 9th-10th gen Intel refurb would probably be enough, although the 6900HX is quite a nicely rounded chip in a small machine.
Also worth looking at a used/refurb M1 mac mini around this price point.