Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Finally!

It takes only 10 years to get another sequel of Dragon Age!

My first impression after looking at the announcement trailer was not that great. Felt like it loses that Dragon Age's vibe and the graphic is more like cartoon-ish?

But then after looking at gameplay trailer, it is probably not that bad..the announcement trailer really not giving any justice and many people were disappointed with it. But the game play looks great, a lot faster combat than previous series. Graphics are not as cartoon-ish as I thought it would be.

What do you guys think? Are you hyped with the 4th series so far?

The game is expected to be released for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S in fall (USA) of 2024


  • Happens to be the game I'm most looking forward to this year. However looking at Bioware's track record in recent years — finger crossed that they don't stuff it up.

    • Yeah, I am also hoping that they don't stuff it up but as you say, recent track record isn't super good.

    • -1

      I just hope there won't be any micro transactions in this game. Please do not ruin my great experience playing the DA series.

      • +1

        @Taro Milk Tea, supposedly it's come out from them (Michael Gamble I believe) saying that there are no MTX's in the game at all.

        • -1

          that's good then! I'm so ready to spend hundred of hours playing this game

  • +1

    I gotta play the free one on Epic first :D

  • +2

    I've been a player and enjoyer of Bioware games for yonks and this one truly has me worried, both from the first trailer and even the gameplay trailer. I've never seen an RPG where I don't like any of the companions but this one has made me feel this way. Simplified, and from what they showed in the gameplay vid, limited abilities. Judging from the gameplay video, it seems as though they are pushing it even further towards the casual (and "modern") audience. As a PC gamer, I really hope they don't couple the game with the "EA App" as that thing is a complete piece of rubbish.

    I'm not going to write it off completely so far but I'm going to keep an eye on it but I am not inspired with confidence with what I've seen so far.

    • I think they are really trying to blend in to what is trending these days. The reveal trailer has like a fortnite hype to it. Which…I can sort of understand, maybe they also want to capture the younger age market to play this game.

      • +1

        That god awful reveal trailer…it boggles my mind that, given the full history and tone of the series, that was what they looked at and said, yep, that's what we're going with and matches Dragon Age perfectly. Far out.

        • -1

          I immediately thought that it is a different game for mobile, but it wasn't and so utterly disappointed by the reveal trailer.

          Thank God for the gameplay trailer lol

  • +1

    Man they really should have just shown gameplay video at the showcase and scrapped that godawful cinematic trailer.

    I know we're far far removed from Origins but an action rpg with barebones RPG mechanics and like 3 skills does not interest me in the slightest. Like is it even possible to dumb down DA:I? Not a fan of the sci fi/fantasy hodgepodge either. Ehhh I'll keep an open mind, could be fun.

    • +1

      Totally with you on this mate.

  • +1

    I've never finished a Dragon Age game, despite otherwise being a BioWare fan. Are the old games even worth playing anymore?

    • +2

      I would say definitely yes. Dragon Age Origins is perhaps one of the best RPG games that I've personally played. DA 2 & Inquisition are good too.

  • Might end my decade long video game drought and play the new Dragon Age. Why do they always have to pick the boring ass humans? Who else wants to play as a power manlet uhh I mean dwarf? Fondest memories of my Evil Mario grey warden! Absolute bloodbaths going door to door. Always picking the most comically evil options available. All the while being a 4 foot munchkin! Thedas once quivered at the sounds of "It's ahh meeee Mario". And it shall once again!

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