Faulty Laptop <2 Years Old - ACL Warranty?

Recently half of the keys on my laptop stopped working after 1.5 years with normal use no accidents

Manufacturers warranty was 12 months bit of a BS warranty but we assume ACL would say last at least 2-3 years for a laptop

Purchased from a reputable retailer with many stores across Australia, they advised it is out of warranty but we can send it off to be assessed.

This is the interesting part… retailer they said they are aware of ACL guarantees but they said there is a freight fee (postage cost), an assessment fee ($150) that I have to pay. A repair fee if it found to be misuse e.g. water damage (it hasn't been in any accidents). That just sounds like a regular repair job.

I would of thought if they accepted ACL, everything associated with the repairs including freight should be included?

Question is, is it reasonable to pay freight and an assessment fee if out of manufacturers warranty but withing ACL?

Also if anyone has encountered something similar and was asked to pay and then managed not to pay, how can it be done?

Poll Options

  • 31
    Under ACL there should be no cost for the repair
  • 4
    Under ACL consumer should pay for freight only
  • 5
    Accept the loss


  • +1

    ACL coverage is guarantee, not warranty. There's a difference between the two, so make sure you clearly claim 'guarantee'.

    Question is, is it reasonable to pay freight and an assessment fee if out of manufacturers warranty but withing ACL?

    That's not what they said…

    This is the interesting part… retailer they said they are aware of ACL but there is a freight fee (postage cost), an assessment fee ($150) and possibly a repair fee if it found to be misuse e.g. water damage. That just sounds like a regular repair job.

    IF found to be misuse. Then yes, that's reasonable.

    Half the keys suddenly stopping working doesn't sound like a manufacturing or product fault, most likely user-issue in some form but that's what the investigation will check. If it is the former, should be covered for free. If latter, it's on you.

    • thanks but they don't seem to want to budge

      • +1

        Try a different branch or another day to speak to someone else whom might be more helpful. It’s common to have to keep pushing to exercise your rights unfortunately. Good luck!

      • Fair Trading next, then small claims court (xCAT), once the business receives notice to appear in court they will normally do the right thing to avoid appearing

  • No need to ask us, give it a try.

    • tried but need to know next steps

  • +2

    ACCC - Repair, replace, refund, cancel

    Start emailing their support line to create a paper trail.
    Follow up email with a phone call.
    Make specific reference to the above page, in particular "Minor problem with a product or service"
    Retain receipts for any payments you have to make to get the laptop to them. They are within their rights to charge you for the shipping, but if they determine there to be an issue that requires repair/replacement/refund under ACL they must reimburse you (within a reasonable timeframe).

    Good luck

    • thank you

      have you had something similar happen?

      They are within their rights to charge you for the shipping

      even if I dropped it off at the shop?

      • Yes, my folks had a fridge that went kaput, manufacturer told me to deal with the retailer, who of course wanted nothing to do with it until i hounded em

        even if I dropped it off at the shop?

        That I dunno. of course, the retailer might have to post it off to the manufacturer's specified diagnostician, which would of course require some one to cough up the $$

  • +1

    What laptop? How's much was it purchased for?

    • $800

      popular brand

  • +1

    Name the retailer.

    • +1

      Careful, though, wouldn't want Harvey perusing these threads, looking for any easy target to sue!!

      On a serious note - absolutely hilarious that OzBargainers will shield dodgy retailers in fear of retaliation of some kind.

      • +3

        He can't take on all of us professionals

    • Officejerks

      • Ask for a free $10 keyboard, plug in and problem solved.
        Or go to Gerry and pay $100 for a faulty one?

        • nah mate it types random shit like it's haunted so I can't even plug in an external keyboard to make it work properly

          • @Poor Ass: In this case get them jerks to send it in and then make a chargeback under ACL!

            • +1

              @payless69: ya trying to buddy but they kept pushing their freight fees, assessment fee BS

              maybe I just have to cop it and then ask for reimbursement through some channels

          • @Poor Ass: Sounds like its a software issue, a virus maybe.

  • +1

    No way should you have to pay an "assessment fee", they are clearly trying to rip you off.

    • yeah I chat with ACCC today and they said all ACL claims shouldn't have fees associated in fact they need to pay for my freight too if required

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