Coffee Grinders Lagom P64 or wait for Mazzer Philos?

Hello coffee enthusiasts

I'm looking to upgrade my entry level Baratza Encore grinder to the Lagom P64, but not sure if I should wait for the Mazzer Philos. Philos seems to be available in the US and Europe, but not in Australia yet. I think it is rumoured to be around $1600 vs Lagom P64 starting at 2.5k.

Doesn't seem to be many comparisons between the 2 so far, but I know Lagom P64 is highly recommended in multiple forums.

Also, is anyone aware if the Lagom P64 ever goes on sale? I know Alternative Brewing is the authorised distributor in Australia and have sales, but not sure if the P64 is generally excluded from those sales?


  • -1

    Go for the Lagom P128, twice the number, twice as good for 4x the price !

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