Targeted per usual, multiple stores more than usual this time, offers may vary per member. Please check your own offers.
Additionally also offered:
•Politix [$20/$100]
•Witchery [$20/$100]
•City Chic [$15/$100]
For Special Gift Card, since no more Super Shopper, my next best go to is Woolworths Special GC usable in-store and online. My fave is ofcourse stacking it in-store with whatever GC deal you after is active currently. Does not expire.
- Pay with your eligible CommBank debit Mastercard or credit Mastercard or StepPay and tap or select credit
- Get cashback into your account, typically paid within 14 business days
Protip: use your StepPay card when/wherever possible to BNPL
I got $10/$50 at JB Hi-Fi, $10/$50 at IGA.