Samsung Galaxy S23 Range Vs S24 Range?

I need a new phone and im looking at the samsung galaxy s23 or s24 range. I need it to have 512GB internal memory.

Im wondering which models any of you would recommend or avoid? I am so confused with the basic s23 or s24. Then the s23/24+ and then the ultra.

Apart from needing 512GB internal memory, i would also like a good camera.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations that have used any of them? Which one has a better camera?


  • +2

    I would recommend at least the + models, and not the non+ models if you don't mind the extra screen size. The non+ models have too small batteries IMO.

    You aren't really giving us any information on your budget. With the information and limitations you have provided, the S24 Ultra is the best phone.

    S24 is the current gen (2024) and S23 was last gen (2023)

  • In my opinion, regarding storage, if you want the size of regular or plus version, go for the S23. If you want big, the Ultra, go for the S24U.

    Since you mentioned the camera, I find that Snapdragon Samsung models usually have better picture accuracy, while Exynos Samsung models tend to smooth your skin tone, making it look like you took the picture with a third-party app (not as bad, but there is a difference).

    • Thanks i didnt know this about photos taken on the exynos. Will have to look into it.

      • Exynos also tend to have overheating problems under heavy use and drain battery faster. For this reason alone I would recommend getting a S23 unless you want the larger form factor, in which case get a S24U.

        They dont refer to it as ExyPOS for nothing.

  • +4

    Been tossing up between the S23 and S24 myself.

    Apart from price which should be obvious.

    base models are the smallest
    plus models are a bit bigger
    ultra models are the biggest with a inbuilt stylus. And have more and better cameras.

    That will entirely be a you thing, check out some models in store to see what you prefer.

    S23s has a snapdragon 8 gen 2
    S24 and plus have a exynos 2400 in Australia
    S24 ultra has a snapdragon 8 gen 3.

    There are comparisons on youtube about the SOC differences. It's not as black and white as people make out online, but people mostly do prefer the snapdragons over exynos.

    If price is no object and cameras are the most important to you. Go with a ultra model.

    • +1

      thank you. I do want a good camera but im just trying to justify if it is worth paying the extra to get the camera on the ultra. or if the camera on the plus model will be good enough.

  • I'd avoid all of them and buy a cheaper mid-range phone.

    • Any in particular you would recommend?

  • +1

    a good camera.

    go for ultra

    512GB internal memory,

    I have S23U 256 GB but never had any issues with the limited storage

    • +1

      Just curious what op stores to need 512gb?

      I have 256 and consider it plenty

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