Paid The Parking Fee for The Wrong Numberplate at a Secure Parking Venue


I usually drive two cars and park in a secure parking carpark for work. I pay the parking fee using their app and have both number plates registered in the app. Yesterday i have mistakenly picked the wrong number plate when parking.

I have received a breach notice from a company called Traffic Monitoring Services Pty Ltd.

I have made an appeal to them with the paid parking invoice clearly stating it was a genuine mistake.

They have responded to me saying that need to pay the fine.

can i do anything else about this?


  • +9
    • He has already admitted that he was responsible though, which changes things a bit.

    • If you do not wish to meet the stated terms and conditions of parking, you can choose to take your business elsewhere.

      Though the app will show both number plates in there so could argue it was an honest mistake and you did in fact pay for parking. They may void it just to make it go away. Probably cost more than the fine to have one of their IT people check server logs or whatever.

      • I have told them that and sent the invoice as well. They don't want to accept it and pay the fine

        • Then don’t pay? What they gonna do

        • +1

          Just wait for them to take you to court over a $90 fine then. Will never happen.

  • +5

    You've been an OzB'r since 2012 and you're contemplating paying a private parking "fine"? lol

  • I would write/email them again describing your error but offering to pay the invoice amount again to settle the dispute or can settle at civil court

    Best to not let it go to debt collectors

  • can i do anything else about this?

    Ignore it, no need to pay it.

    But they'll hound you now as you have given them your details. Each time they contact you, reply back with what you have said a copy of the paid parking receipt, saying you paid.

    They'll get sick of it soon enough.

    Also read over the last half of this page…

    • This is in Queensland

      • +2

        same same, QLD will have something similar.

  • Private car park? Not enforceable.

  • You can't claim liquated damages (which is what this is), when there are no damages.

    If there is no damages to the operator, what they are asking punitive damages which is not allowed.

  • just gaslight them and blame their app

  • +2

    Do a credit card charge back for the amount you did pay. That might get their attention.

  • You did pay. I wouldn't lose any sleep over ignoring this.

  • I did the same thing here in Perth at Charles Gardiner Hospital although this came back to Transport WA not a rent-a-parking-spot firm so i could not ignore it.
    I did what you did but attached the actual registration papers for both vehicles showing in my name, also a copy of the fee paid, mentioned that as i had paid the fee they were not out of pocket and they waived it.

    As others have said you could now ignore it but they have your details now.

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