Multifunction Gym Station

Hey guys,

I'm planning on purchasing this (…) but I thought I'd ask if anyone has any comments regarding quality or if anyone has one already.

It has all the equipment I usually use in the gym (squat rack, cables, smith machine, etc)

I like that it folds so it can fit in my garage with my car when not in use, have looked at other similar stations but they don't fold in so would be too large to fit with two cars.

Curious to hear your thoughts!


  • "any comments regarding quality"
    I'd only buy such a set up if I had tried it myself

  • -1

    Probably a more suitable post for rather than OzB for a $4k piece of metal.

  • Though the folding feature sounds like a good idea, it may be one of those things which just gets in the way of either, a) parking the car, or b) working out. Not sure how long it takes to set up and fold away, but having a setup that is permanently there all the time which doesn't require any sort of fiddling or set-up, really helps with sticking to the routine and it's one less excuse not to work out.

    4k is a fair bit, if you are into cable machines and use a smiths machine a fair bit then it could be good, but if you're already using a barbell for squats and bench presses, using a smiths machine can be a bit of a step backwards; with a smiths machine the workout is somewhat easier and you use less core and stabiliser muscles compared to a barbell.

    If you look around on FB Marketplace/Amazon, $1500 will get you an Olympic barbell, bench, weight plates, and a full or half power rack. The $2500+ left over could be spent on flooring (esp for deadlifts) and other equipment or free weights.

    • There is a video of the folding feature- it doesn't seem too difficult but can see what you're saying about being another barrier to working out.

  • I'd definitely want to try it first.
    Also good to put it into the perspective of a gym membership. That machine costs 10 years of a regular gym membership at many places.

  • Don’t have a large space
    So I bought the older version of this from Sams Fitness, see the link
    Amaze but how many kind of workout I can do with something that just take up a sofa spot

    Something to consider ?
    So far really like it
    Real space saver. surprise I can do deadlifts and squat with it too !

  • I thonk you would be better off with a power rack, barbell and plates. Could get cheaper elastics yo emulate cable resistance.

    These multi function machines look nice but theres a lot of moving parts so keep in mind the cost and time of maintenance and repairs.

    I also find that while it may promote itself as covering dozens of differenr exercises, majority are either not useful or lesser imitations of what you can accomplish with free weights and much cheaper accessories.

    You should be able to get decent rack etc for a decent price second hand

  • +1

    Its a pretty solid unit that offers a wide variety of options; my main hesitation is that the smith machine element probably adds a fair bit of cost and the smith machine is notoriously a useless device for many reason (although apparently you already use it?). As others have said a solid power rack might be just as useful

    that said, and while i'm a free weights rather than cable weights guy, free weights are not the be all and end all, especially if you have injuries or physical limitations or for specific exercises. You can buy power racks that allow cable attachments that are a lot cheaper eg because you dont need the weight stack, you just attach your normal weights.

    However if you need something that folds away then get something that folds way.

    Also dont think you need a lot of expensive gear. A set of gymnastic rings, a weight belt and a few kettlebells will give you a great bodyweight workout. You can pretty much do a workout for your upper body that is as good as hitting an expensive gym (unless you are benching 200kg or something); lower body is a bit harder but, again, unless you are someone looking to squat or deadlift fairly heavy weights, then its good enough.

    • Thanks for that, will take a look!

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