Cashrewards Dumb Website

For a long time now, when you navigate to, the site loads and then a couple of seconds later it redirects to . Due to this delay and because those two pages look so different visually, the result is that the site appears like it is really slow to load (with lots of visual flashing), when in reality it is loading a site completely, then redirecting, then loading another page completely.

I think cashrewards had a market cap of $90 million before it was acquired. I must ask…. why do they want users to see annoying flashing and slow load time every time users go to their site? If they used an alternate redirect method at web server/dns tool level, then a 301/302 redirect or whatever else could fix this. is also just annoying in general, with it's big banner flashing between different slides too regularly.

It seems like they have a strong desire for users to see a 1 second flash of a woman riding a dog like it is a horse and this is their non-negotiable requirement for their user experience.

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    • "they stood dumb while the attacker poured out a stream of abuse"

      Sounds like karen.

    • +2

      What do people use instead? Shopback, the company who had all their user data leaked on the dark web and then continued to try and promote on ozbargain, whilst instructing their reps to ignore all questions/comments about the hack?

      Or topcashback… I'm not sure if I trust them, as they are stingey with paying out signup bonuses.

  • +4

    here is ur answer in ur post

    I think cashrewards had a market cap of $90 million before it was acquired

    the orgjnal owners cashed out. the people who were passionate about it. new ownwrs just want to bleed it dry now then find another sucker to buy

    • -1

      new ownwrs just want to bleed it dry now

      Have they said that?

  • +2

    May not be a simple redirect, could be some other stuff they want happening going on too. Or whoever set it up forgot about it or was fired.

    • +1

      They could also just be not very good at their job, or call it a feature.

  • I always clicked through every purchase and noticed a lot less are being accepted since this year.
    used to be like every 2nd or 3rd accepted but now I’m looking at a list of 10 with 9 of them rejected.
    few days ago realised on amazon cashback page terms it says using GC disqualifies the cashback now.

    also I just got a email from them.

    “spend $50 for a chance to win $10000”

    so that’s why they stopped the bonus offers? saving up for this “win win win” promo. and let me guess it’s in CR dollars so when you go to withdraw they don’t pay out and you have to contact CS.

  • +3

    "It seems like they have a strong desire for users to see a 1 second flash of a woman riding a dog like it is a horse"
    I like that pic

  • +1

    Thanks. I didn't know that silly behaviour went away if I added /shop

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