Issue with Subscribe button?

Hi all just seeing if anyone else is having the same issue as me in that when I click on the subscribe button instead of it showing the options on the same page as it used to so I could select the subscription type it is opening a new window with the selections. Then if I opt to click on any of those options there is no way for it to be saved.

If anyone has encountered this and knows the way to rectify it please let me know :)


  • +3

    We have reports since mid May and have so far identified that some malicious ad has been serve that disrupt the Javascript that supposed to popup a tooltip when you click on "Subscribe".

    However I myself have not been able to replicate it to figure out which ad is causing the issue and how. If it happens again it would be a good idea to note down which ads are serving on the page — where do they lead to, what's their IFRAME URL, etc, so I am able to report it back to the upstream providers.

    Meanwhile, you can try to turn off the ads on OzBargain (Settings, Text/Image ads) to get it working.

  • Thanks Scotty, I seem to encounter it on any of the pages I attempt to subscribe to (including this one).

    Desky (on this page at present) - Iframe below for that one.

    <iframe src="" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;"></iframe>

    Ill give turning the ads off a go and see how I go, cheers (Confirming this worked, thanks again)

    • Does turning off the ads solve the issue?

      Now I am trying to get targeted Desky ads to show on my browser…

      • Hi Scotty it did solve the issue (I edited the post above to try to show that).

        I also encountered similar with ALL (Accor ads) it did not seem to be ad specific as it was across any of the posts. I think if I turn the ads on again I would likely encounter once again and can take some screenshots for you if you wanted to message me.

        • Interestingly enough I just did a test run after turning the ads back on and am now having no issues with the subscription button actioning as normal.
          (Haven't encountered Desky ad yet if it were specific, if I see it I will give it a test for you)

        • It might not be a particular ad, but from a specific ad network. Again, I would prefer if I can reproduce it so I can debug the issue and report the offending network to upstream. Telling the users here to "turn off the ads" might not be the best advice to give since we are funded by ads, but it's the best solution for now.

          • @scotty: Happy for you to close this comment off accordingly

  • Workaround for me in MacOS Safari is command–click, but still glitchy

  • +1

    Our upstream ad provider has advised us that they have discovered the issue and applied a fix. For those who had this problem, please check again whether it has been fixed.

    • Thanks for the update - I can confirm I've turned ads back on and now it's back to working how it should be.

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