I was at Harvey Norman Liverpool this morning and saw crowds of people at the cashiers and found out that $50 iTunes cards were 50% off !! And Toshiba 4GB USB 2.0 flash drives only $1 … limit 2 per customer.
See receipt
I was at Harvey Norman Liverpool this morning and saw crowds of people at the cashiers and found out that $50 iTunes cards were 50% off !! And Toshiba 4GB USB 2.0 flash drives only $1 … limit 2 per customer.
See receipt
with all these iTunes discounts, Apple must be going out of business!
or the correct way to say is Apple is selling the cards now at the right price !!!
are you saying itunes credit is too expensive, or the apps themselves?
Cos i'm pretty sure the credit is just like cash (and cash can never really be too expensive - unless your buying GBP) and the app prices, well they are what the app devs charge (plus a little on top for apple)
nothing is like cash :)
"Cash Is King"
And how often does Google discount their credit?
To the person that negged my comment please show me where I can get half price google credit please. If I could get it I would be very interested.
Sometimes, if you google the name of your app, and .apk, you find interesting things ;D
Shameless. ;D
Ps. I didnt neg you.
Cool, I'm fairly new to Android, and I wish they had a gift card option like iTunes because I don't want to use my credit card.
Get a 28 Degrees MasterCard with a low credit limit, it has no annual fees or extra charges for overseas purchases and the exchange is better than Amazon eBay conversion rates, Google cards are not available outside the US.
Don't think the banks will trust me with yet another credit card.
I wish they had a gift card option like iTunes because I don't want to use my credit card.
Prepaid mastercard? That way, you can just fill it up with however much you want at a Woolies, and you aren't limited to one online store to purchase from.
As for the Google Play cards, I don't believe we have them in Australia (yet), though I could be wrong.
I have an idea for them. They could sell a $600 iTunes card for $25! All they need to do is multiply the cost of items purchased with that credit.
And they could also make it so if you exceed your credit, that doesn't stop you from purchasing - they simply bill you a hundred times the normal price for the item.
ozshaz, a lil off topic there? This is a buy 1 get 1 free iTunes cards promo from HN and has nothing to do with Apple Inc. I thought Apple Inc. only gets a cut from every app bought from iTunes or App Store? I see iTunes credit as a foreign currency, and today's exchange rate is 1AUD = 2APD.
It's not Apple losing money, its more likely to be the artists who release the indie songs on iTunes and the authors whose books are on iBooks!
I know i'll get negged for this but that Toshi is as unreliable as anything. It may be fine for a month or two but you can bet its gonna fail on you. I had it do this on me a year ago when they werent selling for $1. Imagine the build quality now that they're selling for this…
I have a feeling it's just HN trying to get rid of USB 2.0s since everyone will essentially be purchasing USB3.0s now. I don't think the price should reflect the quality. I've purchased and used Toshiba flash drives before and have had one now for 4 years. Still works fine, so you might have just been unlucky. :)
Yeah I have used the 4GB ones no problems at all but I think I remember multiple people reporting issues with the larger capacity ones.
I had 1/6 fail of those toshiba ones. If it works its ok but their dud rate is probably higher than others.
I know i'll get negged for this but
This makes me want to downvote you.
Maybe thats cause I got negged for the last few complaints on this stupid device. But thats life
I had one crapped out on me last week, it was rather shitty
I'm starting to use my USB drives as door stops now.
Officeworks pricematch? =D
yes, that comes down to $0.95. Congrats on saving $0.05.
Someone made 90 thousand on the melbourne cup with $0.08.
Every cent counts, especially in an ozbargainers life! :P
HN Highpoint (VIC) NOT honoring that deal there.
"Different franchise do different deals, we can only do it for the $20 gift cards)
It's still 50% off so what difference does it make? Maybe that store has run out of $20 cards.
Maybe they are trying to clear their $50 cards because Apple don't seem to offer them anymore http://store.apple.com/au/browse/home/giftcards/itunes/galle…
Someone is probaly going to come on here soon and say they purchased a $60 card for $30. It's still the same discount.
Title needs cleaning-up. Mash of two deals in one?
$25 + 4GB USB drive gets me iTunes $50, for $1 at Harvey Norman?
I was there when they first told us about the $50 iTunes card promo
no $20 bucks left, but they still had the $20 App Store Cards (which I was told you couldn't use in the iTunes store, can someone confirm that?)
as it was only one person, was tempted to take my jumper off for the second iTunes card and go thru the registers again… and keep ongoing!
app store cards can be used on iTunes
App store cards can be used in itunes. They misinformed you.
Good on that store for continuing to honour the deal despite running out of stock, so this is efffectively dupe because you are still getting double the credit than what you are paying for.
Just got back from HN Nunawading (Vic).
Looks like $20 iTunes cards are buy one/get one free. They have sold out, but they are taking orders for the rest of the day and will have stock of cards from 10am Sunday.
Re the USB sticks, yep, a buck each, limit of 2 per customer. Plenty in stock that I could see
the $20 ones are good for xmas presents…
I hate it when someone gives me iTunes gift cards. I have a shoebox stash of unused iTunes cards that I've received as presents.
i'll have them :)
Heaps left from Cranbourne VIC, just have to ask for the iTunes cards
Belmont forum WA had only a few cards - all at the register, would guess maybe enough for 20 people at most. They had them pre scanned ready to go. I didn't see any $50 nor ask about them.
Do they have any USBs left? I was thinking to go there later
just left from HN liverpool 45 minutes ago. Yes it was true I saw number of people get the deal $50 for 2x$50 itunes card, but that good deal just off when the manager came to the checkout person when serving the lady before me and said the deal is juat limit ONE card for one person means we paid $25 for $50 credit.
It just drove me mad because i cant purchae 2 card $50 for one price :( :(.
So gouys now they only offer $50 credit for $25 …LIMIT 1 Card for 1 person.
find a someone outside the store, give them the money and take them to the counter to pay ;) then buy them a coffee ;)
That's fair enough because the original offer was buy 1 $20 card and get 1 free. The fact they ran out of $20 cards and are offering a substitute offer is good in itself. Everyone else is just getting $40 of cards for $20. I wouldn't be complaining.
just go to target today they are selling 2 $50 itunes card for $50…. and there were tonss!!!! at my local target.
my local target was only doing 2 $30 for $50
do you get staff discount on top at target?
FYI no more stock in broadway store
Got 2 x $20 iTunes plus a couple of the Toshiba 4G USB's. Best deals I spotted were the "old" slim style PS3's 160GB for $229, and PS3 Move Starter Packs for 50% off the $78 marked price, making them $39.
They refused to do the $50 itunes card at 1/2 price in Waurn Ponds (Geelong VIC) but got the $20 bogof which is fine with me.
Officeworks did bogof didn't limit to 1 either. Bought 4 cards
looks like time to raid officeworks stock and get 5% on top.
Gepps Cross said their iTunes machines are down all day, so no sale.
Wouldn't honour the 50% off $50 cards either… k thanx bye!
Harvey Norman Liverpool's machine is down too. I was so annoyed because i rang up and said please save me 3.. the guy put them away.. i drove for 20mins.. arrived and they said even though 3 were put aside, the machine doesn't work and has reached its limit for the day, so they could not honor it. I was so angry. The lady told me to go in tomorrow and see her and she would honor it then.. but i thought it wasn't worth my time. So i walked over to officeworks Liverpool and they rang Harvey Norman to see if they had stock. They told the officeworks lady the machine had reached its limit but said stay on hold for a minute. The officeworks lady was waiting too long before she gave up and hung up. She came out and honored the deal. Although, she said they do not beat by 5% on itunes cards. I think i technically could have argued it, but they did me the favour of honoring the deal, so i was happy =)
i wonder what gerry harvey has to say to that when he finds out that people arent buying from him, he really needs to wake up to his senses.
FYI, this limit is imposed by Apple not HN itself. It's a limit on the machines that activate them themselves
Only managed to get the $20 bogof, 1 per person too. I need more :(
what for why do you need so much credit.. just curiuos - are you buying TV shows? Isn't ti still cheaper to get them on DVD or even bluray?
sell on ebay probably
Magazine/newspaper subscriptions mainly.
Yeah, me too. I'm mainly buying for iPad magazine subs at 50% off.
Cheers OP.
Bought x16 $50 cards.
Christmas shopping == complete.
How did you manage 16? They were enforcing one per customer when I was there.
Might just be the store you went to. I'm in ACT so I just went up to the counter with 16 (they had 100+) with $20, $30, $50 and $100 available and they had no problems at all.
Will be giving them all away to friends and family on xmas. Winner winner.
Well done, would have been better if it was a 5% price beat instead of price match. But I would rather not to beg OW to look into their inconsistent price beat policy set by their employees.
I was just happy as the 2 hn stores I tried in vic wouldn't do the deal. not gonna argue over $2.50 if I can't get the deal locally
I got 2x$20 itunes and 12x$1 tosh USB.
Good to have these for different bootable os. And small backups
12?? did they allow more than 2 per customer? or you just went back again and again and luckily noone recognised you?
they upped the limit to 4. and I just grabbed 12, gave four to 2 people in the line behind me and gave them $4 each. Worked a treat. HN wern't super happy, but not much they could do!
Maybe the store ran out of $20 itunes cards