PSA: Red Energy Switched My Analogue Meter to a Smart Meter, Then Increase Tariff without Consultation. Warning

Warning to people churning electricity retailers.

I recently switched to Red Energy with a resonable signup bonus and tariff, and within three weeks received an SMS from a third party saying that they're installing a smart meter at Red's request. Three weeks after the meter changed Red sent a letter that my tariff has been changed to demand pricing which almost doubled my cost, and that the new tariff was being backdated to when the new meter was installed, and that the new demand pricing tariff was locked for a month and I could not "opt-out". All this with zero prior consultation from Red.

I thought this was all unconscionable and was ready to contact the Ombudsman. I explained my concerns first to the Red call centre who agreed with me, and reverted my pricing back to the original tariff along with back dating it. I wish I could get back my old analogue meter.

tldr: resist any change to smart meters unless you really need it.

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Red Energy
Red Energy


  • +2

    What were in the T+Cs you agreed to when you signed up?

  • +2

    Hold on, give me a minute… gotta go looking for my “smart meter” tin foil hat… can’t be far away, only had it here like a week ago…

    Ok… now, what did your contract say when you joined… you did read the contract, didn’t you?

  • +3

    my analogue meter

    You don't own the meter though.

    Dont like the plan you're on, move.
    Massive benefit of smart meters is the much quicker ability to switch plans. No longer waiting for manual 3-monthly meter reads
    Use the updated meter to your advantage.
    Know when you're using power and offset/move usage where possible to lower tariff periods.
    Switch to deals offering sign up bonuses
    Regularly check your usage and plan and move to providers offering more beneficial pricing.

    • Not when you're on legacy tariff with ausgrid, since 2019 ausgrid introduced ruling anyone got anything to do with the meter upgrade or reconfigure will be moved to new tariff where demand charge will apply. If you have device capable of drawing huge spike then you can easily be slapped with extra demand charge, for example 2 split system or electric cooktop running for only half hour once during that 90 days can bump up your demand charge an extra $100 on your bill, for low energy user it can be very significant.

      • Not when you're on legacy tariff with ausgrid, since 2019 ausgrid introduced ruling anyone got anything to do with the meter upgrade or reconfigure will be moved to new tariff where demand charge will apply.

        yeah, but are free to apply to move to a tariff structure more suitable for their user.
        New residential customers are assigned to the EA116 Residential demand tariff, with the option to be reassigned to the EA115 TOU demand tariff or EA025 Residential TOU.

        • No, if you're on red they only offer demand tariff, no such thing as TOU despite the name. And if you're on demand tariff there will be more variables on the equation you have to include to work out the best plan for yourself (such as who will and will not pass on demand charge, what are the difference between the in rate) it is not made easy at all.

    • It's not that easy for most people.

      They purposely make it hard to understand all the rates, tarrifs, demand prices, fees, charges, everything.

      And then to try and compare all the differences between suppliers?

  • Yeah, you should have known this and be vigilant enough to do some research when receiving that request. I guess you're with ausgrid and they've done that for the last 5 years.
    but to give you a head up red only gave you some time before the unavoidable because they actually moved you to the 12 month transitional tariff (so you have time to understand your demand better, their words). Afterwards you will be reverted to demand tariff. You should not let them touch the meter in the first place unless you have solar.

  • -4

    cost of living failure!

  • After a few months with AGL they asked if we wanted to change. We crunched some numbers and it didn't make sense for us to change so we didn't. However, it might be compulsory by the end of the decade. We'll probably go with solar then.

    There is also an ABC News article about a loophole where energy retailers can change prices without warning.

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