Cancelled nbn Plan Still Working with More Telecom

Hi Guys,

I had signed up for 3 months free plan from commbank and cancelled it . Last day should have been 30 April but it is still working. In more account portal it shows as cancelled. I haven’t signed up for any other NBN and is planning to use 4G internet. Does anyone knows how this is possible and any repercussions for me if i keep using it? Don’t want to get surprise bill.

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  • +2

    You better turn off and smash your router now before it takes data from more

    • Have tried with multiple routers. Pppoe login details still work.

  • Did you tell them you were porting?

    Some providers will not disconnect you if you are in the process of porting. However, within a few days after the disconnect date they will take another look at the account and terminate the service if it hasn't been ported.

    It looks like the second leg of that did not occur, but I'm not familiar with the process with More NBN.

    • No didn’t told them i am porting. I had only cancelled the service in portal and it shows cancelled in my account. No bill issued as well.

  • when you cancelled charge did they charged you pro-rata basis or you have to pay full remaining month?

    i am going to cancel is as well, they are now charging $72 for 25mbps (what rip-off) and after 10% commbank reward it is like $65 still higher then other provider for same speed.

    • Service started on 1st Feb and I disconnected on 30 April.l, so no pro rata charge as these 3 months were free.

      • How did you cancel your plan? Did you call them or email?

        • There is option on webpage to put cancellation order. It shows cancellation completed on 30/04/24.

  • +1

    It's possible because NBN ultimately provides the service. Your retailer has notified NBN that you're no longer their customer, however NBN's systems aren't really set up to immediately disconnect someone who hasn't flipped to another retailer.

    I've had old ports still working after flipping for weeks, because NBN has been slack.

    Strictly speaking you shouldn't be using a service you're not paying for, and legally they could ask you to pay, but in practice, so long as you don't abuse the situation it's unlikely that anyone at NBN Co will have much energy to make a big deal about it.

    Most likely the port will just stop working at some point once NBN realises that there's still data traffic on the line.

    • So NBN can’t bill me because I haven’t signed up with any retailer and its failure to disconnect ?

      • +1

        Yes, however the situation gets more murky if you were to plug back in and start using the line again as your primary connection again.

        …in which case they still can't bill you, because NBN doesn't bill retail customers at all, however the data is traveling via someone's backhaul (presumably your previous retailer) so on paper the owner of that backhaul has a claim against you, although in practice they'll most likely just cut you off once they notice as well.

    • Yeah, sounds like the next Telstra. That's what Telstra does if you use non telstra device and their system will never activate your service but let you use for free. Bet in 10 year time the gov will sell them off to spin out some budget magic.

  • +2

    Finally stopped working today.

  • I switched from More to Superloop and I assumed the More service would get terminated automatically. Then I got a bill for the next period. Called them up and said I switched away. They were not at all flexible and demanded I pay the full bill because I hadn't closed the account, and it's their policy. No partial refunds. Zero compassion :(

    • I just got tripped up by this too. Have churned between NBN providers before but have never had one where the NBN service did not automatically cancel after a successful transfer.

      Initial customer service agent refused to waive the bill for me. I am now escalating and going through the process to hopefully get this waived as a one off.

      Did you end up having any luck?

      • No, they had zero flexibility. Called a few times but no luck

        • I'm just on the phone with them in this same situation. From my perspective I am not going to pay for a service I am not receiving. How can they charge us when NBN already has ported to the new provider? I'm on the same boat challenging them.

          • +1

            @sandun9: Good news. I managed to get them to agree with my case, they adjusted the bill manually. My moreNBN stopped working after the date, so it doesn't give them a right to charge for a service they can't provide. Try using this argument with them if you didn't have any luck.

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