iPhone 15 Pro Max Choices

Hi braintrust,

I need some help navigating a decision. I'll create a poll underneath. Basically trying to work out which phone would be a better choice given the price is the same. Physical condition is also the same.

Edit: I have access to iCloud which is shared with my partner

Poll Options expired

  • 7
    iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB 97% battery health 180 cycles
  • 31
    iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB Brand New


  • +1

    We don't know if you need the extra physical storage or not?

    Do you use cloud storage? Do you take lots of pictures/videos? Do you plan to resell later on?

    Any warranty on the first option? Is the second option from Apple or some private seller?

    Help us help you by giving more info.

    • +1

      Sorry yes I do use iCloud so storage isn't an issue

      • +1

        180 cycles is a decent amount, if you're fine with the 256GB storage and can still return your 512GB iPhone then I'd go for the brand new 256GB.

    • So the 512Gb one was from Green gadgets and comes with a 1 year warranty whereas the 256GB is a private seller and has only 2 cycles on it, 1 year apple warranty should apply.

      • +2

        If it's near brand new it should be 2 years warranty (minus however old it is) from Apple.

        If it's only 1 year warranty, then it sounds like it's grey market and I wouldn't be touching it. Far better off getting a brand new one for not much more.

        edit: Whoops, didn't see this had been addressed below :)

  • How much are you paying btw? Is the used 15 pro max from marketplace or something?

    • I bought a used iPhone 15 pro max 512 on eBay for $1630 but thinking about returning it due to the 180 cycles

      • +3

        just get a new one from apple under warranty

  • +1

    180 cycles out of 1000 with 97% battery health isn't too bad given the phone is upto a year old now… maybe it means they fully discharged/charged it nearly every other day?

    But if that's the same price as a brand new 256gb, unopened/unactivated with no faults or concerns from a retail store (rather than marketplace) then I'd go for that for peace of mind. You can always add Applecare+ yourself too and then improve your resale value too.

    That all being said, we're also pretty late in the Apple iPhone product cycle so hopefully means you're getting some discount to the RRP.

    EDIT: Just saw your comment above that it's also from a private seller with 2 cycles. I'm less excited by this and actually wonder why he's selling it so quickly. 1 year Apple warranty will apply so just wondering what the day 0 is for it, and/or if you can still add Applecare+ for peace of mind.

    • I purchased the 512GB one for $1629 so I think it's a good price. I don't plan on upgrading for a few years, but the consensus seems brand new iPhone 15 pro max 256 is the winner. I made a mistake when I said brand new, it's mint condition only has 2 cycles on it and no retail warranty.

      Edit: Also thank you for a very concise and thoughtful response.

      • +3

        Do you know why they're selling it after 2 cycles and why it has no retail warranty?

        Whilst it's still a better deal since you'll get the better battery life from a less used iPhone and Apple's standard 1 year warranty presumably starts more recently, I don't think keeping the 512gb model you already have in hand is necessarily a bad choice either especially if you are comfortable with it and weren't one to care about Applecare+. Apple's battery replacement prices aren't too bad nowadays ($170) and you'll always have double the storage which will be convenient if you hold the phone for years and don't tend to delete things.

        Sorry for me being a bit of a fence sitter!

        • +1

          No you're good mate. You're bringing up very valid points that I haven't thought about! I have asked the seller the date of activation of the phone but he hasn't got back to me yet however I think I'm going to stick with the 512gb one and get the battery changed when I need to in a year or so !

          Edit: Its a pawn shop thats selling it so no idea why the original owner sold it.

          • +2

            @JoeBogan: Sounds a bit dodgy? I'm probably overly risk averse, but I'd stick with the one you have, more storage and can replace the battery if needed.

            • @kiitos: Yeah the picture even has a 'Reebelo' tag on it so I would concur !

          • +1

            @JoeBogan: I have changed my vote in the poll to keep the 512 :)

            Also whilst intention isn’t everything it sounds like the 512gb was probably bought by an enthusiast who likes to upgrade regularly and doesn’t cheap out, so maybe they looked after it reasonably well. I would probably have some reservations about why the 256gb model was pawned so quickly vs returned/sold privately.

  • +1

    Newton would say:
    One Apple has fallen and the other is about to.

    • Haha I see

  • +1

    So you already have the 512gb, but want to lose 256gb in storage for a phone with less cycles? That's like $300 worth of storage in Apple land.

    Battery replacement is $169 from Apple.

    I wouldn't risk buying from a private seller, it seems very sus.

    • You're right!

  • +1

    Get the new one. You have no idea if the used one has been dropped or not. The glass may look fine, but a big drop in the past may have weakened it, and a little drop in the future could shatter it.

    Just saw you already own the 512gb. if you know you haven't dropped it before then it's fine. New battery from Apple is "only" $169, so think of that as your insurance policy of the battery. And enjoy your extra storage by recording a long wedding in 4K or something.

  • +1

    I bought mine on launch day and have 162 cycles and 99%. And I don't necessarily charge every night. So that's pretty much par for course.

    97% with 180 is absolutely fine. If it's in good nick then just enjoy your phone.

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