[TAS] Half Price Fares on All Public Transport (Bus & Ferries) @ Transport Tasmania


While not as good as the 50c fares from Qld the Tasmanian government has honoured an election promise of half price public transport fares statewide from June 1 2024 for 12 months. If you have a Greencard or TransportMe you'll continue to receive a 20% discount ontop of the normal half price fare.

As a quick example a typical Metro bus fare will be reduced from $3.50 to $1.75, school buses will be as low as 80c per trip and a standard Derwent Ferries fare one way will be $1.36 with a Greencard.

What’s changing?
From 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2025, public transport bus and ferry fares will be halved. This reduction applies to all public buses and fare-paying school buses, as well as the River Derwent ferry service. It applies to every fare type (non-urban, urban, concession and child/student fares).

Are other transport fares going to be halved?
No, fares for ridesharing, taxi, private bus services provided by schools, Skybus and the Bruny Island Ferry are not included.

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Transport Tasmania
Transport Tasmania


  • -5

    I thought you all used e-scooters ?

    • +3

      You and I both. They can be taken onboard the ferry for to cross the river too.

    • +4

      Just ask your sister/ wife.

    • +2

      FYI we ride paddy melons and the young kids are always zipping about on turbo chooks.

  • +15

    Come on NSW

    • +1

      We never get anything like this! Come on NSW!!!!

    • +3

      A bit off topic but I reckon they'll beat QLD game 1.

      • +3

        Reported as off-topic.

    • Sydney trains has the longest peak period in the world.

      • Lol why are you getting negged for dissing Sydney trains? Who cares.

    • It's never going to happen in NSW.

  • +2


    Are there enough buses to service the community to begin with? lol

    • Don't forget there's 7 other operators. It certainly doesn't help that the little cretins like to throw rocks at the buses.

      • 7 other operators??? i only know of Redline and Metro.

        why does Tas need 7 operators when they are all not profitable?

        • +1

          There's quite a few for regional areas mostly and Kinetic own the monopoly so they'd be making money.

        • Redline is no more.

      • Chigwell, is that you?

    • +1

      Yup, laughed when I saw this offer. Bus? Where the fark do I catch a bus?

      • wells there's a bus stop about 300m from my place.

        when's the bus coming? i only see them doing school runs.

        • +4

          Mate, we don't all live in Hobart near that one but stop.

          • @tessel: I don't live in Hobart either, but I catch two buses to get to work and two more to get home five days a week.

  • +2

    I wonder if this is a new gambit to ease traffic by getting more people to take public transport. Unfortunately in a state where the commute is typically between 10 to 30 minutes, most people tend to drive.

    We need a significant investment in light rail, especially with a controversial stadium on it's way. Hobart could use proper light rail out into the northern suburbs. While they're upgrading the bridge for pedestrians, make it a 4 lane bridge with two tram lines through the middle. Likely will never happen since no government commits to anything that'll take more than 4 years.

    • +1

      are you guys still debating about the cable car up Mt Wellington? since 2017?

      • Debating? Hardly a debate when the council will do everything in it's power to prevent it happening.

        Lots of NIMBYs, especially in South Hobart.

      • -1

        Moved onto a Stadium FFS

        • -1

          lol a stadium.

          the new Royal Hobart Hospital building took 12 years to build, and it's a weird mash of new and 1960s buildings.

          the stadium would most likely take a similar trajectory - 12 years to build and cost blowout from 700mil to maybe 1.5B easily… and the stadium spends 90% of its time empty lol

          let's not talk about light rail for tasmania when Sydney couldn't get its costs controlled. Just more buses but Tas couldn't pay it's bus drivers properly.

      • You mean since 1905?

    • gambit to ease traffic

      WFH did that, RTO is undoing it.

  • -1

    "If you have a Greencard or TransportMe " - what if I have a US Greencard?

    • High speed rail- oh wait.

    • If you have a Greencard, file for a Returning Resident Visa (SB-1)

  • +2

    This won't ever happen in Victoria, sadly! They're in big debt to recover lost money with AO everywhere fining people extortionate amount without valid myki's

    • fines are more profitable.

      • Try getting people to pay them. I always pay for public transport, but have got fines elsewhere (mainly driving and court costs) and I just do a WDO (In NSW), which works out to be ~$35/h to sit in a room and listen to someone talk about whatever made up addiction I stated I have. Half the people skipping paying are junkies anyways and double up with their court order to attend & having fines wiped.

      • +1

        Reducing fares may increase the pool of newbie "fare evaders" to snare tho.

        • there lies the profit.

    • +1

      Fining? I see people jumping barriers at Flinders and fair evading as a sport, I didn't know Victoria could afford enforcement.

    • Exactly this, told fines were $288 from AO earlier this year.

      • That's like 3 return trips these days isn't it? /s

    • Doesn't everyone just fare dodge on the trams anyway? They all did when I lived there.

  • Could we ask Cashrewards/Shopback/TopCashback for NSW public transport cashback? Come on NSW …

  • Comon Victoria, do the same. Greedy broke government

    • +1

      Looks like Victoria will be the last one, if at all.

      • Why the last? Only 2 states are offering discounts for 6 & 12 months.

    • Victorians gotta pay all those costs of not completing commitments that Daniel Andrews left behind .. eg the East West Link & Commonwealth Games and maybe stop paying your Pollies so well … eg. the only other Aussie politician paid a salary higher than the Vic Premier is the Prime minister of Australia lol

    • Vic are upgrading infrastructure which is long term improvements rather than one off inducements

      • +1

        How's the cost of mothballing maintenance of the water desalination plant at Wonthaggi going!? lol

  • Meanwhile PTV planning how to increase costs further while giving the worst service in any modern city.

  • Half price per head - so normal pricing

    • +3

      On a plus side my other head can claim Centrelink and NDIS while I work.

      • please make sure the doctor fills it out like a robot, listing all the literal scenarios.
        So exactly what can't be done, and what happens when it is attempted, and what is needed to manage it.
        No written letters with spoken sentences unless just as fluff, because the staff can't comprehend sentences.
        The NDIS staff use a half-A4 sized page "cheat sheet" they keep not public, which determines who gets on or off.
        There is no one actually qualified or trying to understand you before acceptance.
        If you are denied, do not bother with the review process, as they will deny you again unless you change your application.
        You must change it, because if they accept you on what you're denied on, they could get in trouble for making errors that harm disabled people. Good luck, it's corrupt so you have to just try your best.

  • -1

    When is the next Tasmanian state election ?

    • +1

      We just had one in March.

    • This was a promise made in the previous campaign but it stems from a report into congestion in hobart. the cost of driving in to the city is similar in price to public transport so a lot of people wouldnt bother with it. I didn't think they would actually do it due to how stuffed the budget is but they probably factor the increase in volume will balance it out.

  • Only on buses and ferries?

    What, not on trains?

    (Yes, I know why.)

    • Train hopping is free 😜

  • Is there any 'Public Transport' option from Launceston to Cradle Mountain? Would love go hiking with 50 half price

    • AFAIK only private companies.

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