How to Cash out Government Electricity Rebates

From what I gather, the $1300 electricity subsidy from both the Queensland and Federal Governments is credited directly to the electricity account. Since I have solar panels my electricity bill has been in credit since installation. I am curious about how to cash out this rebate from the account and if it's not used would the remaining funds revert back to the governments? Is switching provider the only option?


  • Huh? Nsw only $300.. wtf

    • +1

      Queensland are giving their residence another $1000…

      • -4

        paid for by the coal mines tax in Queensland. so yeee haaa for poluting the earth queensland goverment for giving us $1000 to power prices.

        • so yeee haaa for poluting the earth queensland goverment

          This is absolutely the most ridiculous sentiment

          • -1

            @ThithLord: well you think about it, the QLD goverment taxes the coal mining for power plants, which is polluting so the taxes go back to the residents using the coal power, so yeah. think of it like that. anyways im glad we are getting something back from the goverment.

            • +2

              @sandman20104159: The majority of coal mined in Queensland is exported. Taxing the crap out of exports during a global surge in coal prices is absolutely the right ting to do.

    • +2

      QLD Government have been handing out credits left, right and centre to demonstrate what their resources tax on the mining companies can achieve for QLD residents. Same as the 50c public transport fares.

      • which makes me wonder why its been so expensive for public transport over the years if they can afford 50c now.

        • +1

          Because of the resources tax on Mining companies implemented recently, mate.

          There you go.

  • -3

    Since I have solar panels my electricity bill has been in credit since installation

    Didn't you get a subsidy for the solar panels? Want to double dip, eh?

  • +1

    Apparently you have to change providers and in the process any credit will be refunded to you. Not sure how that will effect your setup with your current provider but also note that if you change from Ergon/Energex to someone else you will not be allowed to change back.

    • +1

      If that's the case then there are going to be a squillion provider changes as soon as the government credit is applied. There will be plenty who would prefer the cash over a credit on their electricity account.

      • Yes, not very forward thinking of them though. If they cash it out, what will they pay the next power bill with?

  • +1

    Wait and see.
    The provider might be happy to credit your account to save you from churning, but won't know until after the credit hits.

  • Since I have solar panels my electricity bill has been in credit since installation.

    Curious to know why didn't ask for that credit to be paid to you ASAP?

    Just recently another thread was about a "check" being paid by the provider.

  • Unless it's different this year for some reason it will be exactly the same as last year. Credit will go on bill/notice withdraw when you want.

    AFAIK even with out solar if your bill is in credit after it's been issued with the credit applied you generally can just say withdraw money from the larger providers in their my account toolbox. No changing of providers was/is needed.
    As I have heard of people just paying a flat $XX per fortnight from their pay so may over pay over the quarter and would then withdraw any extra that wasn't required after the next bill was issued. (that was a few years ago and no longer talk to them so it may have changed)

    Note the federal $300 is only $75 applied per quarter for the next 12 months not a lump sum of $300. If your bill is monthly likely will only appear every 3rd bill. 1 4 7 10 but (July October January April) may depend on other factors.
    The other money from the QLD government was credited either all at once? or quarterly if you had a concession.

  • +1

    If you look on your energy retailers website there will be a form for you to apply for your credit to be paid out. If you cant find it, call their customer support centre.

    IIRC you can even have it setup automatic refunds.

    Here is the AGL version. I'm not sure who you are with.…

  • +1

    Twice I've churned and had a Qld Government rebate land in my account after I churned. In both cases the provider did not automatically refund me the money… I had to chase it. In one case only after 3 phone calls and 2 emails and me threatening to contact the ombudsman did they relent & agree to refund it to me.

  • I will use the normal refund procedure to see if it works first. Will post back if successful or not.

    • Origin refused to refund

  • Im with Ovo and they wont allow you to cash it out. Have to change providers to get the cash.

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