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50% off All Coffee, Tea, Chai, Merch, Body Scrub + Delivery ($0 to VIC/ with $50 Order) @ Inglewood Coffee Roasters


50% off coffees, tea, chai & chocolate, merch and Gazelle body scrubs

*no discount code needed. Discount automatically applied when added to cart. Ends 11.59pm AEST Sunday 30th June 2024.

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Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Used to always buy inglewood during half price sales at $30+ p/kg.. switched to Aldi beans for $14-$21p/kg and its hard to go back. recently ive been drinking more milk based coffee… milk makes coffee taste mostly the same so find Aldi beans fresh enough here (usually find roast dates about 1 month prior).

    • +2

      Yep Aldi Colombia is very good for about $18 kg.

    • +1

      Yeh I've been getting the aldi luxe beans. Hard to beat for the price

    • I posted this in the original EOFYVIP thread, but seems like it's still relevant:


  • Was on aldi beans but can't beat Lime Blue IMO. Isn't to much more and it's fresh and so good milk based coffees. Found aldi beans were too hot and miss sometimes even if roasted recently.

    • Yea I found this to be the case too. I'd get them if I forget to put an order in with lime blue and be pleasantly surprised then get another bag that reminds me I paid $12/kg (old price) lol still good for $12 but happy to pay more for lime blue

  • +1

    Really happy with the last batch of beans, have ordered again 👍🏻

  • +1

    We have tried this and and other brands and found this vastly superior.

  • +2

    I ordered on Monday and they still haven't been dispatched. Downtown is my go-to, but the slow postage is a killer. I'll be going back to Airjo after this order - order and get next day delivery.

    • How long did yours end up taking to distpatch? Im still waiting on my order from Monday and they aren't responding to email or social media ergh..
      Same thing happened last time, guess thats Inglewood done for me now. Never had to wait more than 24hrs for dispatch anywhere else.

  • Airjo is the best. For a company that has to do 50% just to compete with Airjo imo is not great. Airjo good price all the time and a great bean.

  • Hi @Inglewoodcoffee

    I'm a casual coffee drinker and use a fully automatic bean to cup machine at home.

    I like my milk coffee to have a rich creamy flavour with no hint of sour. Sort of like mocha with no chocolate if it makes any sense… 😅

    Which coffee beans would you recommend me to try?


  • +1

    It’s a shame my subscription order was just processed yet I’m charged more than the current sale. Looks like I’ll cancel my subscription and just wait for sales to come by

  • Very much like the Roosevelt blend. Kids like Sunset Blvd and Downtown. Ordered!

  • @Inglewoodcoffee What would you recommend for storage? I tried freezing last time, but the problem is once you take a pack out of the freezer, it goes stale much quicker I felt. How long would you reckon the coffee to be good once its out of the freezer?

    • I know that I'm not @Inglewoodcoffee - but I've had the same quandary. My solution? I do freeze - and I only take out enough beans to fill my grinder hopper (about 5 days drinking). The balance goes back into the freezer with, for good measure, the pack contained within a nice, tough IKEA ziplock (double seal) bag. Hasn't let me down yet - I tend to buy 2-3Kg at a time.

    • I vacuum seal mine into 5 seperate bags. Each bag fills my coffee machine hopper to the perfect amount so I’m only opening up what I need.

      I’ve never had an issues with the beans by doing this. When I brew a coffee from a bag that’s come out of the freezer, tastes like it’s just been roasted and has plenty of crema. When I use beans that have been out for a while and unsealed, there’s definitely a reduction in crema so I know my freezer method is working well.

      • @lostincanberra @davodinkum thanks for your inputs, I should have mentioned that my setup is mostly filter coffees and not espressos — Aeropress, V60, Chemex, Steepshot and sometimes even a French press, all done using Hand Grinder - Timemore Chestnut C3.
        I usually buy 2-3 kilos in half-kilo bags. I think I'll start taking out smaller batches from the freezer and only keep a week's worth of coffee out of the freezer in the air-tight storage and repeat instead of taking the whole bag out to replicate your 5-day system. Thanks.

        • Try vacuum sealing. Takes all the air out to minimise frosting. You can still get frosting in air tight containers

    • +3

      Freezing in smaller batches is the key. Personally I use these glass Mason jars from Kmart to split a full bag before freezing. Each jar fits about 120g so a few days worth. Take out each jar from freezer only as required.

      Good video from James Hoffman on the topic

      • Are those glass jars safe to freeze?

  • Forgot about the slow dispatch times. Made the same mistake. Will probably go back to LB coffee.

    Waiting for 1.5 weeks from order is a bit ceebs.

  • +2

    So are our orders going to get dispatched or what?

    2 weeks is getting a bit ridiculous now.

  • +2

    Their stuff is almost always underweight. I would double check just to be sure after ordering. Emailed their staff and they said it must've been an isolated incident.

  • +3

    FINALLY got notice that the beans are off to Auspost and couriers (Melb and Canberra deliveries). Over a week from ordering. FML.

    While I do rate Inglewood for their coffees, their customer service needs a quick, hard boot up the you-know-what.

    I'll make sure to comment on any of their posts along the lines of 'Good coffee, poor communication and looong delayed delivery'.

  • +1

    I would like to thank you for putting the "delayed dispatch" option. I am still going through another bag atm!

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