I am wanting to upgrade my GPU which is currently a GTX 1650 Super and I'm looking at probably going with something like a GeForce RTX 4060 Ti OC 8G.
Is a way for me to confirm it will work on my current system and if it will give me a significant upgrade without upgrading anything else.
Current system is:
- CPU: i5 2500k
- Motherboard: Gigabyte P67A-UD3R-B3
- Memory: 16GB DD3
- GPU: NIVIDA GTX 16650 Super 5GB.
Are there any reliable benchmark sites that can simulate systems?
Or does anyone have any comments of thoughts on the proposed upgrade.
Thanks in advance for any advise or comments.
Without any web tools I can already tell you your system will bottleneck that card heavily. The Sandy Bridge processor is from 2011 (more than a decade ago) and the PCIE revision is old too, you'll run into issues with lack of PCIE bandwidth.
Given a limited budget however it makes sense to upgrade the video card first, but in your scenario your entire system is quite old and is an ideal candidate for a completely new system / overhaul.